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1 - 24 of 116
Neighborhoods and Shared Memories: Manhattan Heights
Manhattan Heights Churches
Three historical ...
Landmarks, Westside, El Paso, Texas 1965
Aerial photo shows ASARCO and Sun Bowl Stadium as landmarks on ...
Cathedral High School - SEED Awards Banquet 28 Jan 2012.
Cathedral High School - SEED Awards Banquet 28 Jan 2012. Mary ...
Saint Patrick's Cathedral - 1930
Saint Patrick's Cathedral - Corpus Christi Procession - El Paso ...
Pete Melendez Local El Paso Boxer 1933-2009
" Award winning sports journalist Ray Sanchez wrote in his ...
Celebrating Spain - Don Juan de Oñate Exhibit - 11
Small exhibit done in 2008 to celebrate Spain. The exhibition ...
View of the Westside from Mammoth Rock
View of the Westside and Upper Valley, and Mount Cristo Rey from ...
Globe Mills Building - El Paso, Texas
This Globe Mills building was constructed in 1910 where it was ...
View from the Clubhouse at Coronado Country Club
This is the view from the clubhouse terrace at Coronado Country ...