Jake Erlich - Tallest Man In The World

Jake Erlich - Tallest Man In The World
Many of us know of Erlich as the “world’s tallest man,” as the Guinness Book of Records once deemed him. He was also an extraordinary artist. But his fame as a painter was overshadowed by his fame for being more than eight feet tall.He was born in Denver, Colorado, in 1906, the son of Jewish immigrants. He was born at a weight of less than four pounds. Jacob was small for his age, until he reached his seventh birthday. By the time he was ten, he was over six feet tall. His family lived in El Paso, Texas at this time and the locals nicknamed him "Pecos Bill" (a title he used for over twenty years.) Erlich, who lived much of his life in El Paso , was a movie star featured in several silent films, and he also was a circus performer for several years. Also, Erlich is an El Paso High graduate. But Erlich was famous mainly for being taller than everyone else. In fact, he was once named the "Tallest Man in the World," standing, by most accounts, at 8 feet, 6 inches tall. Jake Erlich died in 1952 at the age of 46 in El Paso. To the left of Jake Erlich in the middle is Hope M. Smith - who was owner of Magnolia Coke Cola Company in El Paso, Texas.
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wow so cool cant relate 5"1
I never knew that.
Where was his home located in El Paso?
oh wow, i dont think many people from El Paso know this! I sure didn´t and i saw a display of his shoes in Hollywood at the carl ripley´s believe it or not museum. unfortunately, they didn´t mention him being from here.
hes my great ucle
Totally awesome Love that it is kid friendly
i was here
omg thats super tall!! but very interesting