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Edward J. McVay Pavimentando las carreteras de El Paso, Texas
Edward J. McVay spent his life working in many different ...
John K. Lucas - El Paso, Tejas
Mr. Lucas holding Nellie his horse. Next to the cart is His wife ...
John K. Lucas y Juan Rosas vendiendo bananas
Horse drawn cart of Mr. John K. Lucas, two of his children ...
John K. Lucas "El Hombre Banano" Casa de venta 2015
Mr. John K. Lucas was born in Greece and married Ernestina from ...
Rótulo de venta del Hombre Banano
John K. Lucas selling bananas and he painted his selling sign ...
Tienda Corona - 1960 - El Paso, Tejas
La Corona Grocery - 800 E. 7th Street, El Paso, Texas. Owners - ...
State National Bank Building - 1972 - El Paso, Texas
Building the State National Bank Plaza, office tower, bank ...
Directores del StateNational Bank - El Paso, Tejas - 1959
This picture of the board was probably taken around 1959. Front ...
Dale Resler - Carlsbad Cavern Coaches
Dale Resler - Carlsbad Cavern Coaches - Brand new 51 Passenger ...
Carlsbad Caverns Coaches - 1930 - 1939
Carlsbad Caverns Coaches - 1930 - 1939. Passengers helping out ...
Guadalupe Pass - Carlsbad Cavern Coaches - 1930 - 1939
Guadalupe Pass - Bus No.1 on Guadalupe Pass. Carlsbad Cavern ...
Bank of the West Opens Sixth Location
2001: Bank of the West opens its Viscount location, with a total ...
Bank of the West Opens Fifth Location
1998: Expanding even further into East El Paso, Bank of the West ...
Bank of the West abre su quinta ubicación - El Paso, Tejas
1998: Expanding even further into East El Paso, Bank of the West ...