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Loretto Dedication in 1924

The image shows the dedication of Loretto Academy by Bishop ...

Presidente de JLEP Sharon Butterworth

JLEP President Sharon Butterworth served in 1980-81 In ...

Presidente de JLEP Dorothy Schatzman

JLEP President Dorothy Schatzman served in 1978-79

Presidente de JLEP Cecily Prestridge

JLEP President Cecily Prestridge served in 1977-78

Presidente de JLEP Lorrie Lowenfield

JLEP President Lorrie Lowenfield served in 1973-74.

Presidente de JLEP Betty Ruth Wakefield

JLEP President Betty Ruth Wakefield served in 1965-66

Presidente de JLEP Hulda Rhodes

JLEP President Hulda Rhodes served in 1958-59


My grandmother in her 20"s.

Teresa Aguirre

Teresa Aguirre, 81, bends down to kiss the Singer 241-12 ...

Hilton Strike, 1963

In 1963, workers of the Hilton Hotel (now Plaza Hotel) ...

Hilton Strike, 1963

In 1963, workers of the Hilton Hotel (now Plaza Hotel) ...

Presidente de JLEP Betty Donaldson

JLEP President Betty Donaldson served in 1956-57

Presidente de JLEP Elizabeth Lund

JLEP President Elizabeth Lund served in 1955-56

Presidente de JLEP Winifred Ponder

JLEP President Winifred Ponder served in 1951-52

Presidente de JLEP Shirley Leavell

JLEP President Shirley Leavell served in 1949-50

Presidente de JLEP Catherine Pogson

JLEP President Catherine Pogson served in 1948-49

Presidente de JLEP Sarah Lea

JLEP President Sarah Lea served in 1947-48

Presidente de JLEP Barbara Norton

JLEP President Barbara Norton served in 1946-47

Presidente de JLEP Ethel Schwartz

JLEP President Ethel Schwartz served in 1945-46

Presidente de JLEP Frances Susan Woodfin

JLEP President Susan Woodfin served in 1943-44

Sister Aloysius Williams - El Paso, Texas

Sister Aloysius Williams administrator of Hotel Dieu School of ...

Head Nurse

Photograph of Ms. Christine Bonds who was in charge of the ...

Dr. Natalicio UTEP Community Help Workers Graduation

The Department of Social Work at UTEP

Sun Bowl Fan Fiesta - El Paso, Texas - 2014

Princesses and the queen serve as ambassadors for the city of El ...

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