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Bungalow - Mother Praxedes

Where Mother Praxedes lived - she was founder of the Loretto ...

Loretto Chapel -1924 - El Paso, Texas

Loretto Chapel Dedication - Bishop Schuler in 1924. The first ...

Socorro Estorga - Loretto Academy - 1965

Socorro Estorga - Class of 1965 - Loretto Academy.

Eva Antone - Loretto Academy - 1965

Eva Antone - Senior at Loretto Academy - Class of 1965.

Batonistas - 1954

Majorettes- 1954 - Loretto Academy

Preparación de la Feria de Ciencias

Science Fair Prep in spring of the year 1966.

Bailarinas Guadalupe - 11 de diciembre 1965

Guadalupe Dancers December 11, 1965 outside of Loretto from a ...

Noticiero del Praxedian de 1963-1964

News Account Praxedian of 1963-1964

Banquete de padres hijas 1969

Father Daughter Banquet 1969 - El Paso, Texas.

Matemáticas primavera 1966

Mathematics Spring 1966 Photo taken Loretto Academy, El ...

Procesión de mayo

May Procession at Loretto Academy. The month of May is ...

Academia Loretto - 1957

Loretto Academy - Graduation 1957

Coronación de la Reina del Primero de mayo - década de los 1950

Loretto Academy girls adorning the Blessed Virgin Mary in ...

Construcción del Edificio Hilton-Young en la década de 1950

Construction of the building dedicated by Conrad Hilton and Sam ...

Coronación de la Reina del Primero de mayo - década de los 1950

Girls crowning the Blessed Virgin Mary as the May Queen in ...

Academia Loretto Primero de Mayo década de los 1950

Since the 18th century, many Roman Catholics have observed May ...

Estudiantes de Loretto afuera en la nieve

Loretto Academy students enjoying some winter fun out in the ...

Producción de la Academia Loretto - The Wizard of Oz (El Mago de Oz)

Loretto Academy's Production of The Wizard of Oz in 1958.

Programa del The Wizard of Oz (El Mago de Oz) de la Academia Loretto

The original 1958 Program of the Wizard of Oz production put on ...

Producción de la Academia Loretto - Little Women (Mujercitas)

Girls from Loretto Academy put on an production of Louisa May ...

Producción de Little Women (Mujercitas) en la Academia Loretto

Girls from Loretto Academy put on an production of Louisa May ...

Semana de Prevención de Incendios en Academia Loretto

Students at Loretto Academy put on a presentation in ...

Academia Loretto - Clase de 1953 - Reunión

Class of 1953 in April 1978- 25 year reunion.

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