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Busca resultados 25 - 43 of 43

Clase Duel Idioma Escuela Primaria Rusk 1996 al año escolar 1997

Duel Language class Rusk Elementary School 1996 to 1997 school ...

Escuela Primaria Rusk

The front of our school 2016. Rusk Elementary School. We will ...

Senior Class

Susan King, Ritner Kriechbaum, Larry Langberg, Boyd Lanier, Pat ...

Dr. Lawrence Aaron Nixon

Dr. Lawrence Aaron Nixon was born in Marshall, Texas and ...

Thelma Potts and Imogene Lawrence

Thelma Potts and Imogene Lawrence co-chair for 10th Anniversary ...

Sam Donaldson - El Paso, Tejas

This is a photo of Sam Donaldson during the 1980s. "Donaldson ...

Charlie Steen

In 1943, Charles Steen graduated with a degree in geology from ...

Dr. Lawrence Aaron Nixon (1884-1966) - El Paso, Texas

Dr. Lawrence Aaron Nixon (1884-1966) was a black physician and ...

C.S. "Dusty" Rhodes addressing the NAACP in El Paso in 1990

Dusty Rhodes addressed the El Paso branch of the NAACP (National ...

McCall Nursery in 1940s - El Paso, Texas

Lola Brown looks over the activities of her class at the MaCall ...

McCall Day Center board

The image shows the McCall Day Center board in the 1940s. ...

McCall Neighborhood Center, El Paso, TX, circa 1985

The McCall Neighborhood Center was the home of Marshall McCall ...

Lawrence Welk actúa en la Gran Apertura del Centro Don Haskins

The official grand opening celebration of the Don Haskins Center ...

John Wesley Hardin

John Wesley Hardin gained his reputation by supposedly killing ...

John Wesley Hardin

John Wesley Hardin gained his reputation by supposedly killing ...

Cementerio de Concordia

Mexican Revolution leader and ally to Pancho Villa, Pascual ...

Hubert Humphrey en 1968

This picture shows Hubert Humphrey speaking at El Paso ...

Inger Stevens durante la Campaña de Humphrey 1968

The picture shows the actress Inger Stevens during the ...

Richard Nixon en 1968

On November 2, 1968, the Republican nominee for the presidential ...

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