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Busca resultados 97 - 116 of 116

Monte Cristo Rey y UTEP

The image shows Mount Cristo Rey in El Paso Texas and the UTEP ...

Mount Cristo Rey y UTEP

The image shows Mount Cristo Rey and the UTEP University in ...

UTEp y Monte Cristo Rey

The image shows Mount Cristo Rey and the UTEP University in ...

Vista de Sunset Heights

The image shows parts of the Sunset Heights neighborhood. The ...

Monasterio de Cristo Rey de la Adoración Perpetua - El Paso, Tejas

The Cristo Rey Monastery of Perpetual Adoration is situated at ...

View of Mt. Christo Rey

Mt Cristo Rey is a shrine to thousands of faithful in the El ...

Christo Rey Statue on Mt. Chirsto Rey

The statue Christ the King was inspired by a papal call for ...

Cristo Rey Mountain - 1985

Mt. Cristo Rey taken from the foothills of the Franklin Mtns. ...

Mt. Cristo Rey

Mt Cristo Rey is a shrine to thousands of faithful in the El ...

Mt. Cristo Rey

Mt Cristo Rey is a shrine to thousands of faithful in the El ...

Bridge over Rio Grande

The image shows a bridge over the Rio Grande near Mount Cristo ...

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM, History Standing atop the ...

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM, History Standing atop the ...

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM, History Standing atop the ...

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM

Mt. Cristo Rey. Sunland Park, NM, History Standing atop the ...

Mt. Cristo Rey

Envisioned: October 25, 1933 Founder: Monsignor Lourdes F. ...

Mount Cristo Rey

Mount Cristo Rey is on the west side off McNutt Road in Sunland ...

Smelter Town

SMELTERTOWN, TEXAS. Smeltertown is an industrial area on ...

Mount Cristo Rey

Mt Cristo Rey is a shrine to thousands of faithful in the El ...

Monte Cristo Rey

Mt Cristo Rey is a shrine to thousands of faithful in the El ...

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