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Busca resultados 73 - 96 of 116

San Jose del Rio Grande Church

This church was originally named San Rosalia, and was built in ...

Obispo Anthony Joseph Schuler

Bishop Anthony Joseph Schuler (1869-1944) became the first ...

View on ASARCO Industrial Complex

The photograph shows the ASARCO industrial complex in 1975. In ...

Stack on ASARCO Site

The smoke is billowing from a smokestack on the ASARCO smelting ...

Zinc Plant

The image shows the zinc plant on the ASARCO smelter site. In ...

ASARCO Industrial Complex

The image shows the ASARCO industrial complex in 1953. The ...

Padre Lourdes F. Costa - El Paso, Tejas

Father Lourdes F. Costa arrived in El Paso, Texas in 1912. He ...

artista Español Urbici Soler (1890-1953)

Sculptor of the Mt. Cristo Rey stone monument. Mt Cristo Rey ...

Peregrinación hacia Monte Cristo Rey

This picture depicts one of the annual pilgrimages up to Mount ...

Monte Cristo Rey

Early drilling to prepare for the Urbici Soler statue Christ the ...

Monte Cristo Rey

The statue Christ the King was inspired by a papal call for ...

Peregrinación hacia Monte Cristo Rey

The annual pilgrimage is held on the last Sunday of October each ...

Monte Cristo Rey

An early pilgrimage to Mt. Cristo Rey.

Monte Cristo Rey

An early pilgrimage to Mt. Cristo Rey. Mt Cristo Rey is a ...

Monte Cristo Rey

A pilgrimage up Mt. Cristo Rey. Mt Cristo Rey is a shrine to ...

Monte Cristo Rey

On August 31, 1937, Father Costa met with Bishop Schuler to ...

Monte Cristo Rey

Mt Cristo Rey is a shrine to thousands of faithful in the El ...

Monte Cristo Rey

Mt. Cristo Rey sign.

Monte Cristo Rey

Photo: Base of Cross on Mt. Cristo Rey monument. The cross on ...

Monte Cristo Rey

A close-up image.

Monte Cristo Rey

The finishing touches on Mt. Cristo Rey.

Don Santiago Kirker

James (Santiago) Kirker, merchant, Indian fighter, and ...

Mural en el Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe

This Jesus figure is part of a larger mural which covers the ...

UTEP frente al Monte Cristo Rey

The image shows the University of Texas at El Paso in front of ...

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