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Busca resultados 265 - 288 of 584

Sister Mary Lambert SL First Communion Class 1955

Sister Mary Lambert, a sister of Loretto Academy, trained ...

Sister Kathleen Corbett SL, 2012

Kathleen Corbett graduated from Loretto Academy in 1966.

Loretto Academy Board

Loretto Academy in El Paso Texas in 1984 included multiple board ...

Ray Portillo 1995

Ray Portillo, a second generation graduate of Cathedral High, ...



Cathedral High School-Grand-Parents Day 24 February 2011

Cathedral High School-Grand-Parents Day 24 February 2011, Andy ...

Cathedral High School-Grand-Parents Day 24 February 2011

Cathedral High School-Grand-Parents Day 24 February 2011. Justin ...

Sister Pat Williams, Loretto Academy - El Paso, Texas

Sister Pat Williams, President, and Sister Pat Joyce SL both ...

CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL - Los Que Van Quedando (LQVQ) - Year 2017

CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL - Los Que Van Quedando (LQVQ) - Year 2017. ...

Cathedral High 2017

Rene Valenzuela Cathedral High alumni served on committee to ...

Pamela Cook Howard - Principal - Cathedral High School

Pamela Cook Howard - Principal - Cathedral High School - 2017 ...

Antiguos alumnos tomando el paseo a la iglesia para asistir al memorial.

Raul Guereca, beloved Cathedral High School teacher, passed away ...

Cathedral Family: The Martinez Family

Cathedral Family: The Martinez Family, left front row, Lauren ...

Cathedral High School, Mr. G

Cathedral High School, Mr. G"s Memorial Celebration: Mr. G’s ...

Pat Mora - 1983

Pat Mora - 1983

Lupe Casillas - Lowenberg - 1997

Lupe Casillas - Lowenberg, art teacher, by mural old Ysleta ISD ...

Frances Agnes SL, Nun, Science Teacher

Frances Agnes Bechtold SL, Nun, Science Teacher circa 1941. She ...

Loretto Academy, El Paso, TX, Sister Buffy Boesen, video, 2017

Video of Loretto Academy - President Sister Buffy Boesen in her ...

Loretto Academy Staff - 1987

Loretto Academy staff on the steps of Loretto Chapel in El Paso, ...

Luz Taboada - Administrator - EPCC - 1992

Luz Taboada - Administrator El Paso Community College in El ...

Marion Collins Resch - 1923

Marion Collins Resch in 1923 photo, long time leader in El Paso, ...

Douglass High School - Leola B. Roberts Rivers - 1940

Attended Juliet Beauty Academy in San Francisco, California and ...

Edna Angela Nixon - 1956

Edna Angela Nixon who attended Loretto Academy in El Paso, Texas ...

Loretto Academy - Penny Postcard

Penny postcard - advertising for Loretto Academy.

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