Zork Hardware

Zork Hardware
Zork Hardware Store located in South El Paso; Salvador L. Fierro worked there and is in the middle. This was warehouse of Zork Hardware Co located at 115 San Francisco St ca 1960-1965.
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I just found out looking at my late mom's birth certificate that my late grandfather Jose Zubia (Irigoyen) worked as a stenographer there at least from 1929 to 1933 when my mom Eva Zubia was born. If anyone knows more I would greatly appreciate the help to know to more about Zork Hardware.
UTEP Library Archives have MS 122 Zork Hardware Company records
When I was a young man, I used to call on the plumbing buyer at Zork, back in the early 1980s, until they closed. I can remember his face; but, I can't remember what his name was. If anyone remembers please post his name. He was a really good guy.
My father, Manuel LaForm, worked for Zork Hardware during the late 1940's maybe early 1950's. I'm not exactly sure. He passed 3 years ago. I found a picture of him, from when he worked there. I didn't know it was a hardware company - I had only heard that he worked at Zork. He moved his wife and son to Sacramento, CA in 1954, where they eventually raised 5 more children.
Thank you---information added.
This was warehouse of Zork Hardware Co located at 115 San Francisco St ca 1960-1965