Celebrating Roosevelt's 50th Anniversary - El Paso, Texas

Celebrating Roosevelt's 50th Anniversary - El Paso, Texas
Children and teacher celetrating Roosevelt Elementary School's 50th Anniversary in El Paso, Texas.
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Mrs. Pantoja, a third grade teacher at Roosevelt Elementary, was my aunt, a sister of my mother. Mrs. Pantoja was born on September 1st, 1932, the year of the election of President Roosevelt for whom the school is named. I feel honored by this coincidence.
Not sure how to better explain this but i was sitting down and out of no where I got this memory scent which took me back to my days at Roosevelt Elementary so out of nostalgia I google the school and came across this image. I then realized I was looking at my younger self in the front row, at first I wasn’t sure so if that was me but once I saw my shoes I knew then that was me alright. These where the best days of my childhood.