Old Mission Guadalupe

Old Mission Guadalupe
On April 2, 1662, he laid the mission's cornerstone and foundation. The new church was dedicated on January 15, 1668 (the second Sunday after Epiphany). The event was celebrated by baptizing one-hundred Indians, one door for the men and the other for the women and they were then united in marriage in the center of the newly constructed church. That evening the event was celebrated with a special mass; at its conclusion flaming rockets streaked across the night sky to the astonishment of the Indians. The Guadalupe Mission has survived floods, Indian rebellions, war and revolutions. It is the mother mission of the El Paso missions. Guadalupe Mission is noted for its architectural simplicity, and for its stunning interior -the beautifully carved beams (vigas) with pinecone and floral designs. The altar is stunning as is the choir loft and pulpit. Hidden away in nitch in the right transit is a beam from old missions, which was discovered during its restoration some decades ago. The beam bears the name of proud artisan who assisted in the building of this beautiful mission. http://www.ysletadelsurpueblo.org/tigua_trails.sstg?id=16&sub1=23&sub2=57
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