DPS Texas Ranger Royal A. McMullin

DPS Texas Ranger Royal A. McMullin

Royal A. McMullin born in Salem, Missouri. He joined the United States Air Force at eighteen and served as MP (Military Police). He was raised Baptist. Royal was a 15-year veteran with the Department of Public Safety. In 2008 he was awarded the Director’s citation for his heroic actions. The same year he received the Veteran’s National Defense Service Medal. His career with DPS started as a State Trooper and later obtaining the rank of Corporal. He served on Commercial Vehicle Enforcement and Criminal Investigations Division, serving as Sergeant in both divisions. In 2013, he was promoted to the DPS Texas Rangers Company “E” in El Paso County. Royal worked in the Railroad before his lengthy career with DPS. In masonry, he joined El Paso Masonic Lodge # 130 A.F. & A.M. and El Paso York Rite. He passed away after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer in 2018. His funeral was attended by the Texas Rangers, DPS State Troopers, EPPD, El Paso Sheriff, El Paso Constable, ATF, CIA, DEA,FBI, ICE and USBP. Masons were there to offer their last rites. “And now, my brethren, let us see to it, and so regulate our lives by the plumbline of justice, ever squaring our actions by the square of virtue, that when the Grand Warden of Heaven shall call for us, we may be found ready. Let us cultivate assiduously the noble tenets of our profession—Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.” His memory and example live on. He impacted so many lives throughout this great state.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: El Paso Lodge # 130 A.F. & A.M. Archives

Cargado por: Alonso Wells IV


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