Stevens Building - El Paso, Texas

Stevens Building - El Paso, Texas
The Stevens Building located at 026 1/2 Mesa Ave. The Building was designed by Henry C. Trost for Richard B. Stevens, a local businessman and was completed around 1909, this is when it first appeared in the El Paso City Directory. At the time of the photo, several business/individuals occupied the building. The R.C. Lightbody Co. a men's clothing store can be seen at the corner of Mesa and Texas. A few individuals are standing in front of the entrance, Rooms 1-3 were occupied by the Yale Dentist, A.G. McMath (investments & Real Estate), was located in room 4, German American Doctors were located in rooms 5-9, and Richard B. Stevens' office was in room 8. Geo D. Kendall, an optician, was located at the far end of the building, notice the eye glasses display next to the Security Trust & Savings Bank (210 Mesa Ave.)
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