Exhibit from Poland, 2014
Exhibición de Polonia, 2014

Exhibición de Polonia, 2014
En enero de 1863 la segunda insurrección estalla en Polonia: "Lejos quedaron los días de ferviente simpatía americana; una tendencia de alabar al Moscú liberal y al zar trascendió la prensa en el propio país", escribieron historiadores polacos en 1867. En 1863, al mismo tiempo que la insurrección de Enero estaba tomando lugar en polonia, la Flota Rusa hizo una visita a Nueva York y San Francisco. La cálida bienvenida y la estancia de unos meses de los barcos en Los Estados Unidos fue un testimonio de la relación amistosa que los estadounidenses tenían con Rusia, no sólo en términos de relaciones gubernamentales, sino que también de una opinión pública positiva.
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Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
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Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
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Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...
Photograph from the 1920 Peace and Progress Excursion
Peace and Progress Excursion to Mexico City, photo album ...