Bowie High School National Honor Society - 1953
Escuela secundaria Bowie Sociedad Nacional de Honor - 1953

Escuela secundaria Bowie Sociedad Nacional de Honor - 1953

Bowie Sociedad Nacional de Honor - 1953. Fotografía tomada en el frente de la escuela Superior de izquierda a derecha: Jesus Martinez, Ignacio Gardea, Victor Lara y desconocido. Inferior - de izquierda a derecha: Aurora Gutierrez, Julie Guerra, desconocida y desconocida.

Área: Central / South Central

Fuente: Julie Gallardo

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Más sobre la misma comunidad-colección

Award at Houchen - El Paso, Texas

Margarita Alonso received an award for sewing, along with Laura ...


Aluminum tree in bedroom because nativity scene went in living ...

Award at Houchen I

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Madre e hijo

on Virginia St. Florentina Lopez (mother) and Raul Lopez Jr. ...

Child On Metal Horse - El Paso, Texas

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Foto de boda

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" The Mestizos"

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50's Days Homecoming - El Paso, Texas

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Bowie High School graduation 1976

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6th Birthday Party

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Faustino Mares' Birthday Party

Birthday Party on 1120 5th St. Apt #8. Lopez lived next door in ...

Father and Son

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In front of car Lazaro Rodriguez (uncle) with Raul Lopez ...


Outside in the courtyard of apt. on Virginia. Stroller was used ...


Ochoa and Paisano apt building in El Paso Texas. Florentina ...


Father would take family along with him to visit patients ...

Personal de odontología

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Shopping in downtown El Paso

Margarita Rivera (little girl) Margarita de la Rosa (mother)

Close up of father Manuel de la Rosa

Manuel de la Rosa, 43 yrs old

Sacred Heart Priests - El Paso Texas

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Boda de los padres en el Sagrado Corazón - 1910

1row: unknown, Sevriano, Jose 2nd Jesus Macias, Dolores Alvarez, ...
