Resler Hall, Trinity Methodist Church, El Paso,TX 1960

Resler Hall, Trinity Methodist Church, El Paso,TX 1960

Resler Hall - 1960 - Rev. Dr. Don Schooler, second from left, Pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / Sunset Heights

Fuente: El Paso District News

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Madre y bebé sentados afuera de la casa

This may be Mrs. J.W. Lorentzen with one of her three children. ...

Madre y bebé en el porche

This is probably Mrs. J.W. Lorentzen with one of her three ...

Una mujer divertiendose con la manguera de agua

This woman is in the side yard of 521 Randolph Dr. Note the WWI ...

Parientes y amistades en el porche

Lorentzen family members or friends with pet dog, on the porch ...

Un niño y una niña con su mascota

Lorentzen family or friends seated on the wall in front of 521 ...

Dos jovencitas con sombreros sentadas en una pared

These Lorentzen family relatives or friends are sitting on the ...

Dentro de una casa en El Paso

This photograph is believed to be inside the Lorentzen home at ...

Un gato en el porche

The cat is lying on the wall in front of 521 Randolph Dr. The ...

Madre e hijos en el porche

This is probably Mrs. J. W. Lorentzen with two of her children, ...

Parientes de la familia Lorentzen

These are probably Casad relatives with the Lorentzen children, ...

Los niños de la familia Lorentzen en su porche delantero

The children are on the porch at 521 Randolph Dr.

Tres niños junto a la casa

These are either Lorentzen relatives, or the three Lorentzen ...

La Sra. J. W. Lorentzen y su bebé

Mrs. Lorentzen and her young baby are outside the home at 521 ...

Una amiga o pariente de la familia Lorentzen - El Paso, Tejas

This lady is standing in the side yard of 521 Randolph Dr. in ...

La Sra. J. W. Lorentzen

This lady is believed to be Mrs. Julius W. Lorentzen. She is ...

Holy Family Church (Iglesia Familia Sagrada) - El Paso, Texas

Holy Family Church was the last built by Rev. Carlos Pinto, S.J ...

El obispo Schuler con monjas

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Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia - El Paso, Texas - 1918

Holy Family Church - El Paso, Texas - 1918 - oldest available ...

Holy Family Parish School - El Paso, Texas 1960 Graduation

Holy Family Parish School - 1960 Graduation Class Father ...

Holy Family Parish School, May Crowning - 1960

Holy Family Parish School May Crowning of Blessed Virgin circa ...

Holy Family Parish - Teacher, Sister Barbara Louise - 1960

Holy Family Parish - Teacher, Sister Barbara Louise C.D.P. - ...

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Christina Jacquez - Holy Family - 1960 - El Paso, Texas.

Teresa Liano - Holy Family - 1960

Teresa Liano - Holy Family - 1960 - El Paso, Texas.
