Ysleta High School
Ysleta High School

Ysleta High School

Ysleta High School located in 8600 Alameda Ave, El Paso, TX 79907

Creador: rudy rivera

Área: Mission Valley / Shawver Park

Fuente: El Paso Museum of History

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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TRIBE of 1999 Once an Indian Always an Indian

Wonderful high school memories and was always surrounded by great people. Class of 1989.

BEER is great, WINE is fine, we´re the Class of ´89!!!

Once an indian always an indian

class of 1983

class of 04 and 07 gomez fam

class of 1997

i lived my youth days there with so much wonder

once an indian always an indian!

the highschool i am going to

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