New Hotel Dieu Hospital

New Hotel Dieu Hospital
The image shows Hotel Dieu in 1953. It was situated at the corner of Stanton and Arizona streets. The old building had gradually been substituted by this new construction. In 1892 Sister Stella had bought the site and with $60,000 borrowed from the Motherhouse, three Daughters of Charity started building Hotel Dieu in 1893. It was the first general hospital in El Paso, Texas. There was no electricity and lighting was done by gas. Heat was provided by wood fires. In need for more trained personnel, the sisters also started a nursing school connected with the Hotel Dieu in 1898. In 1987, the hospital was sold to Millbrook, and the name was changed to Landmark Medical Center. One year later, the hospital was sold again. Columbia purchased the medical center and closed it later that same year. The building was demolished in 2003.
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