Former Goldie's Bar - El Paso, Texas

Former Goldie's Bar - El Paso, Texas
Was located at 1430 Myrtle, SW corner of Cotton and Myrtle, Magoffin neighborhood.
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It used to be The Cotton Inn. A lot of Memories were made there, nice clean place, the owners or who were ran the bar were named Liz and Hoppy.. That was the hangout for the City Lines Bus Drivers. In 1970's.Pleasant Atmosphere . Will never and haven't Forgotten it. BB/Marcos..
It used to be The Cotton Inn. A lot of Memories were made there, nice clean place, the owners or who were ran the bar were named Liz and Hoppy.. That was the hangout for the City Lines Bus Drivers. In 1970's.Pleasant Atmosphere . Will never and haven't Forgotten it. BB/Marcos..
It used to be The Cotton Inn. A lot of Memories were made there, nice clean place, the owners or who were ran the bar were named Liz and Hoppy.. That was the hangout for the City Lines Bus Drivers. In 1970's.Pleasant Atmosphere . Will never and haven't Forgotten it. BB/Marcos..
I would like to be in touch with the owner Veronica as she was a great friend of mine for many many years. I moved to Colorado and lost touch. 9152768091