Little boy with McGinty Cannon
Niño pequeño con el cañon McGinty

Niño pequeño con el cañon McGinty
La imagen muestra a un niño de pie junto al cañon McGinty Cannon. En el fondo se puede ver la estatua del niño con la bota, que ahora se exhibe en el Museo de Historia de El Paso. Cañón en el parque del Ayuntamiento- Note fuente con niño pequeño con la bota. Ahora en el vestíbulo del actual ayuntamiento. Cañon hecho en Madera, México. (Tiendas de Noroeste de México RR)
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
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Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
Beginning in the 1870s, the US government attempted to educate ...
Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories Virtual Exhibition
Beginning in the 1870s, the US government attempted to educate ...