Jesse Castillo
Jesse Castillo

Jesse Castillo
La imagen muestra al boxeador de peso ligero Jesse Castillo. Él fue un zurdo. Su registro es: ganó 9 (KO 3) perdió 4 (KO 2) y empató 1 = 14.
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how hard did jesse train? ???????? this is awesome!!!!!
Cool story bro
this seems amazing :)
Juan Lazcano was born in Ciudad Juárez and was moved to El Paso when two months old. There, he attended Jefferson High School, later finishing at Bowie High. At Jefferson High, he and classmate Daniel Puente, along with other young boxers, sparred together at Rocky's Gym where he was crowned the Golden Gloves. He now lives and fights out of Sacramento, California. Juan Lazcano was the first person from our area to fight for a world title.
Who was the first person from our area to fight for a world title?
very very cool.
Very cool