Lobby of Hilton Hotel

Lobby of Hilton Hotel

The photograph shows the Lobby of the Hilton Hotel (from Mills Street) in 1930, the year it was opened. The Hotel had been designed by Henry C. Trost. The lobby exemplifies the architectural style of the building: Semi-modernist lines were combined with Indian designs. The Hotel was very luxury decorated and the rooms mirrored the state of the art, featuring fully electric lighting, ceiling fans, radios and private bathrooms. It served as one of El Paso's most luxurious and most modern hotels; even Elisabeth Taylor briefly lived here in 1950/51. In 1963 it was sold and operated as Plaza Hotel until 1990, when it was closed. Lobby of Hilton Plaza Hotel, El Paso, TX 1930

Área: Central / Downtown

Colección: Stout-Feldman Studio Photographs

Fuente: University of Texas at El Paso Library - Special Collections Department

ID de referencia: PH074-11080-10

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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