The Equestrian - El Paso, Texas


The Equestrian - El Paso, Texas

Susan Shelby Magoffin - El Paso, Texas

Fotografía – Los escultores son John e Ethan Houser. El 2 de junio del 2012 el monumento de Susan Magoffin fue revelado. La junta directiva de Keystone Heritage suministro una hermosa ubicación para Susan y creemos que ella se sentiría muy feliz alli.

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Jody Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Susan Shelby Magoffin's diary has ben published as. Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico.

Another tale of a woman traveler is in publication of El Paso County Historical Society- Wayne R. Austerman, "The Ordeal of Jane Adeline Wilson," Password, Vol. XXXV, No. 1, El Paso, TX, Spring ,1990,p. 19-25.

March is Women's History Month.

The Equestrian - El Paso, Texas

An enormous amount of people gathered to protest the celebration of Juan de onate.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrian

Numerous individuals, gathered around the monument in commemoration for the famous Juan de Onate. This bronze sculpture is called "Equestrian" and represents the Spanish conquistador Juan de Oñate. It was dedicated on April 21, 2007. It was sculptured by John Sherrill Houser and by his associate sculptor Ethan Taliesin Houser. With 35-foot and 11-tons the statue is the world's largest bronze horseman. Oñate is celebrated as the founder of the first European settlement west of the Mississippi and celebrator of the first American Thanksgiving in 1598 on the Rio Grande. Today, he is remembered for savageries that some scholars dispute. This is why the unveiling of the monument was met with admirers as well as protestors. Especially members of the Acoma Tribe, which is near Gallup, N.M., opposed it. They said Oñate committed many atrocities on Native Americans.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photo taken near airport El Paso, TX.

The Equestrian - El Paso, Texas

Former Mayor John Cook at celebration of installation of Juan de Onate sculpture - entrance El Paso International Airport, circa 2005.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photo of sculpture 2005 taken in El Paso, TX.

Estatuas completadas - El Paso, Texas

Estatuas completadas - El Paso, Texas Fotografías de estatuas completadas en El Paso, Texas

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Jody Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrian

Beginning construction of The Equestrian monument. The Equestrian, stands more than four stories tall and weighs in at 34,000 pounds. Located at the entrance of the El Paso (Texas) International Airport, it is the world's largest equestrian bronze. The statue depicts Don Juan Oñate, whom Houser calls the founder of the Hispanic Southwest, mounted on a rearing Andalusian stallion at the Pass of the North in 1598.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrian

Individuals taking photographs of the monument . The Equestrian, stands more than four stories tall and weighs in at 34,000 pounds.Located at the entrance of the El Paso (Texas) International Airport, it is the world's largest equestrian bronze. The statue depicts Don Juan Oñate, whom Houser calls the founder of the Hispanic Southwest, mounted on a rearing Andalusian stallion at the Pass of the North in 1598.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Despite all controversy this massive piece of art greets visitor to the airport in El Paso, TX.

The Equestrian

Ethan Taliesin Houser, the son of the artist of The Equestrian.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrian - El Paso, Texas

John Hauser was born in Cincinnati on 30 January, 1859, the son of John and Anna Schrenk Hauser, both recent immigrants from Germany. With the exception of his many trips to the West and extensive periods of study in Europe, he would remain a life-long resident of the Queen City. He grew up in Over-The-Rhine and received his early education in the Cincinnati Public school system. He studied drawing at the Ohio Mechanics’ Institute, and in 1873 enrolled in the McMicken Art School, studying under Thomas A. Noble. 1880 marked the first of his European study periods, when he traveled to Munich, where he studied under Nicholas Gysis at the Royal Academy of fine Arts. 1880 is also the date of his first documented painting, a portrait of Lord Baltimore.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Sculpture of Equestrian was installed at entrance airport entrance.

The Equestrain

To the left Ethan Taliesin Houser, and to the Right John Sherrill Houser.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrain

The monument ,beginning to be put into place by construction workers.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrain

John Houser ,Sculptor of the Equestrian; admiring the hooves on the monument.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrian

The Equestrian was ten years in the making. In 1992 sculptor John Houser was commissioned by the city of El Paso to create an equestrian monument of Don Juan de Onate, Founder of the Hispanic Southwest and Camino Real in 1598 and who also gave our city its name - El Paso del Norte.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrian

The world's largest bronze equestrian statue was bolted into place on October 25, 2006 at the entrance to El Paso, Texas's international airport. It stands 36 feet tall on an eight-foot base, and is the second-tallest statue in Texas, overshadowed only by a titanic Sam Houston in Huntsville. The statue, first proposed in the mid-1990s, is of a horse-riding Spanish conquistador named Don Juan de Oñate. It initially drew approval from city officials because Oñate was known for celebrating the first Thanksgiving in The New World, near present-day El Paso, a good twenty years before the Pilgrims did the same in New England.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Equestrian

The world's largest bronze equestrian statue was bolted into place on October 23, 2006 at the entrance to El Paso, Texas's international airport. It stands 36 feet tall on an eight-foot base, and is the second-tallest statue in Texas, overshadowed only by a titanic Sam Houston in Huntsville. The statue, first proposed in the mid-1990s, is of a horse-riding Spanish conquistador named Don Juan de Oñate. It initially drew approval from city officials because Oñate was known for celebrating the first Thanksgiving in The New World, near present-day El Paso, a good twenty years before the Pilgrims did the same in New England. Directions: I-10 exit 25, then north on Airway Blvd a little over one mile to El Paso International Airport. The statue stands beside the entry road.

Área: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Susan Shelby Magoffin - El Paso, Texas

Susan Shelby Magoffin returned to the Santa Fe Trail on Saturday -- 164 years after she left it. About 60 people gathered at Keystone Heritage Park for the unveiling of a larger-than-life bronze statue of Magoffin, the first Anglo-American woman to make the journey from Missouri to El Paso, and from there to Chihuahua and Santa Fe. Magoffin kept an extensive diary of her trip, which was made famous when an account of it was published in 1927. The statue shows her perched on a steamer trunk next to her greyhound, Mr. Ring, bent over and writing in her diary. Sculptor Ethan Houser produced the statue as part of the XII Travelers Memorial of the Southwest -- an effort to commemorate the diversity of the historic Southwest.

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Her diary has been published as Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico.

March is Women's History Month annually in USA. Statues of women still a rarity in El Paso, TX in 2022. Why do you think that is so?

March is Women's History Month.

Susan Shelby Magoffin - El Paso, Texas

Susan Shelby Magoffin returned to the Santa Fe Trail on Saturday -- 164 years after she left it. About 60 people gathered at Keystone Heritage Park for the unveiling of a larger-than-life bronze statue of Magoffin, the first Anglo-American woman to make the journey from Missouri to El Paso, and from there to Chihuahua and Santa Fe. Magoffin kept an extensive diary of her trip, which was made famous when an account of it was published in 1927. The statue shows her perched on a steamer trunk next to her greyhound, Mr. Ring, bent over and writing in her diary. Sculptor Ethan Houser produced the statue as part of the XII Travelers Memorial of the Southwest -- an effort to commemorate the diversity of the historic Southwest.

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Jody Polk Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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March is Women's History Month annually in USA. Statues of real women are rarity? Why do you think that is so even in the year 2022?

More info available on Wikipedia.

March is Women's History Month.

Susan Shelby Magoffin - El Paso, Texas

Información acerca de "Down The Santa Fe Trail Into Mexico" (Atravesando el camino de Santa Fe hacia Mexico), " Twelve Traveler's and Tom Lea" (Doce viajantes y Tom Lea) y "Susan Magoffin At Keystone Heritage Park" (Susan Magoffin en en parque Keystone Heritage Park).

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Jody Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Susan Magoffin - Historia - El Paso, Texas

Historia de Susan Shelby Magoffin quien llegó a El Paso del Norte el 15 de febrero de 1847. Ella grabó sus experiencias en un diario: Down the Santa Fe Trail y Into Mexico: The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin, 1846-1847 (1926), (Atravesando el camino de Santa Fe y hacia México: El diario de Susan Shelby Magoffin,1846-1847) – que se ha utilizado ampliamente como fuente de ese período en la historia.

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Jody Schwartz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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"March is Women's History Month. Statue of her by Houser is in El Paso, TX." - Eva Ross

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