Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums Collection

Ruth Cleveland Hellums and Homer Dyche - El Paso, Texas

El Paso, Texas - Photograph taken at 108 Texas Street - Virden Studio. Photograph of Ruth Cleveland Hellums and her first husband, Homer Dyche. Ruth Cleveland Hellums was born on September 6, 1892 in Pontotoc Co., MS. She died on July 17, 1982 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX. She married William Newell Puckett on April 17, 1922. She married Homer William Dyche sometime in the early 20th century.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Enjoying Washington Park - El Paso, Texas

Enjoying a day in Washington Park - soldiers with their dates.

Área: Central / Clardy Fox

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Soldado y Caballo - Fort Bliss - 1922

Ruth Hellums tomo esta fotografía durante su visita a Fort Bliss - El Paso, Texas. El soldado probablemente era un miembro de la octava caballería.

Área: Northeast / Ft. Bliss

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Sgt. Major - Carson - 1922

Photograph taken by Ruth Hellums at Fort Bliss- El Paso, Texas. Information on the back of the photograph was H.Q. 82nd Field Artillery.

Área: Northeast / Ft. Bliss

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Sgt. Major - Carson - 1922

Photograph taken by Ruth Hellums at Fort Bliss- El Paso, Texas.

Área: Northeast / Ft. Bliss

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photograph of Soldier - Fort Bliss - 1922

Unknown soldier at Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Photograph taken by Ruth Hellums.

Área: Northeast / Ft. Bliss

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Soldier From B Troop - 8th Cavalry - Fort Bliss - El Paso, Texas

Soldier From B Troop - 8th Cavalry - photograph taken by Ruth Hellums.

Área: Northeast / Ft. Bliss

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Canals In El Paso - 1922

Standing on bridge in El Paso, Texas. Ruth Hellums is to the left of the image, about 15 miles outside of El Paso.

Área: Mission Valley / Alfalfa

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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San Francisco - 1920

Photograph taken on the beach in San Francisco by Ruth Hellums. Ruth Hellums Collection is now at the El Paso Museum of History. Located in the city of El Paso, Texas.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Soldier From The 8th Cavalry

Soldier From The 8th Cavalry - Fort Bliss- El Paso, Texas.

Área: Northeast / Ft. Bliss

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Street Scene In Mexico - 1922

Street Scene In Mexico - 1922 - Post Card from Ruth Hellums Collection. The Ruth Hellums Collection is housed at the El Paso Museum of History.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Ruth Hellums - Fort Bliss - 1922

Ruth Hellums going horseback riding at Fort Bliss near El Paso, Texas.

Área: Northeast / Ft. Bliss

Fuente: Ruth Hellums/Sally Woolley

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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