Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Diocese Of El Paso Dos

Border Mass near El Paso, TX 2012

Little girl at the fence during a Border Mass - El Paso, Texas.The service is to honor migrants who have died in their quest for a better life and those who work toward justice of migrants.

Área: Upper Valley / Borderland

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Little Flower Church - 2012

Little Flower Church 171 Polo Inn Road - Interior.

Área: Mission Valley / Lakeside

Fuente: Diocese Of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photo of interior Little Flower Catholic Church taken in El Paso, TX 2012.

Border Mass - 2012

Border Mass 4 Photographer Christ Chavez - El Paso, Texas The service is to honor migrants who have died in their quest for a better life and those who work toward justice of migrants.

Área: Upper Valley / Borderland

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Border Mass - Juarez Bishop

Border Mass - Juarez Bishop? El Paso, Texas - The service is to honor migrants who have died in their quest for a better life and those who work toward justice of migrants.

Área: Upper Valley / Borderland

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Little Flower Church - 1990

Little Flower Church 171 Polo Inn Road-Built 1990.

Área: Mission Valley / Lakeside

Fuente: Diocese Of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photo of Catholic curch in El Paso, TX.

Little Flower Catholic Church On Alameda, El Paso, Texas -1939

Little Flower Catholic Church on Alameda (EPCHS) - Original church … - Built in 1939.

Área: Mission Valley / Lakeside

Fuente: Diocese Of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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My grandfather helped build it

Rev Msgr John Peters

Rev Msgr John Peters-Early Photo, Date Unknown

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Diocese of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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RIP circa Dec 17, 2020

Saint Patrick Cathedral - 2015

Saint Patrick Cathedral located in El Paso, Texas. Left window shows the Pentecost and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The right window depicts the Ascension of Christ into Heaven with the Apostles.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Saint Patrick Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - Stained Glass Window

St. Patrick's Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - Stained Glass Window On the left, Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. In memory of Manuel and Eloisa Ainsa, donated by their children. Second window to the right shows when Jesus was twelve years old addressing elders in Jewish Temple.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Nuns On Both Sides Of Border - 2012

Nuns On Both Sides Of Border at Border Mass - 2012

Área: Upper Valley / Borderland

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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March is Women's History Month. Many immigrants have been helped historically by nuns on both sides of the border in El Paso, TX.

Hermana Dominica de la Doctrina Cristiana

Little Flower New Church Groundbreaking - El Paso, TX, 1990

St. Therese of the Little Flower Catholic Church began as a mission of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in Ysleta. At first, Little Flower was located at the end of George Orr Road about a mile north of the Rio Grande River. During the Depression, a group of farmers and laborers decided they needed a schoolhouse for their children and a place for worship. The school was turned into a chapel and named San Isidro, the patron saint of farmers. Then in 1939, Father Aloysius A. Ochoa, S.J. was notified that the church must move since the land was owned by the Martinez Company. Father Ochoa collected donations to purchase a new location and Bishop Schuler petitioned the Catholic Church Catholic Extension which provided $1,000. The new church was located on Alameda Street and named after St. Therese of Child Jesus, also known as Little Flower, a French Carmelite nun. Little Flower was built with stones from the Franklin Mountains. The confessional was built by Francisco Santini and his daughter, Trinidad Diaz, and the first pews and Way of the Cross were donated by the Sisters of St. Margaret Orphanage. Mr. and Mrs. George Orr donated the statue of St. Therese. Bishop Schuler dedicated Little Flower Church in October 1939. The Alameda Street location served the parishioners well as a place to worship and as a community to celebrate the important events in their lives. The church was small with a capacity for only 100 worshippers and as the number of parishioners grew, so did the need for a bigger church. In 1990, Father Serafin Pineda, O.A.R. and the parishioners built the new church on Polo Inn Road that seats 350 worshippers. On March 18, 1990, Bishop Peña elevated Little Flower to parish status. http://www.elpasodiocese.org/little-flower.html

Área: Mission Valley / Alfalfa

Fuente: Diocese of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photo taken in El Paso, TX

Photo taken in El Paso, TX

Msgr. John Peters -1979 - St. Luke Catholic Church

John Peters in the year 1979. Msgr. John Peters led the community of St. Luke for 16 years, from 1992 until his retirement in 2008. Fr. Edilberto Lopez ("Fr. Beto") now provides us with spiritual guidance and noursihment.

Área: Westside / Remcon

Fuente: Diocese of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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"RIP circa Dec 17, 2020 of heart failure." Eva Ross

San Judas Tadeo Parish - 1993

San Judas Tadeo Parish - Dedication with Bishop Reymundo Pena. 1993 The construction of the new church for 300 persons with a parking lot in front of the existing building is approved. On Saturday August 7, of that same year, Bishop Peña presides over the ground breaking ceremony. The construction begins and by the 28th of October the foundation and the walls are formed. 1994 On March 20, 1994, Banes General Contractors Inc. turns over the finished building. On Sunday, May 1, at 3:00 pm. Bishop Peña presides over the dedication ceremony of the new church-Santuario San Judas Tadeo. http://www.santuariosanjudastadeo.com/about-us.html

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Diocese of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photo taken in El Paso, TX of Catholic bishop Reymundo Pena at ground breaking for church on Doniphan Dr.

St Mark Parish - Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue

St Mark Parish - Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue

Área: Eastside / Montwood

Fuente: Diocese of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Established by Catholic bishop Pena in July 1992. Multipurpose Building completed July 1996 and blessed by Bishop Ochoa in El Paso, TX.

Border Mass - 2012

Border - Mass - Photographer Christ Chavez - Nuns at the fence with a priest. Border Mass is annual event near El Paso, Texas.

Área: Upper Valley / Borderland

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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These women serve the faithful on both sides of the border.

Border Mass is annual event near El Paso, Texas.

San Antonio de Padua - Original Church

San Antonio de Padua - Original Church in El Paso, Texas

Área: Mission Valley / Hacienda Heights

Fuente: Diocese of El Paso

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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What's the address for the original church?

Think of Father Ochoa.

Does anyone know how old the bell is?

Image taken circa 2013 shows original San Antonio De Padua rock church.

Saint Patrick Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - Stained Glass Window

St. Patrick's Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - The is a Stained Glass Window on the left is an artist rendition of "The resurrection". This is of an Angel telling Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene & another Mary that Jesus is not in the tomb. The is a Stained Glass Window on the Right is an artist rendition of "The Crucifixion". The virgin Mary (mother of Jesus) and St John the Apostle/Evangelist next to Christ on the cross after he died.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Saint Patrick Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - Stained Glass Window

St. Patrick's Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - The Stained Glass window on the left is "The agony in the Garden of Gethsemane" this is an artist rendition of Jesus praying to God before he is arrested and put on Trial. The Stained Glass window on the right is "The Last Supper." This is an artist rendition of Christ with St. John The Apostle/Evangelist.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The window with St. John the Apostle is one of my favorites. 1.7.2023

Saint Patrick Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - Stained Glass Window

Saint Patrick Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - The Stained Glass Window on the left is of Christ and the children, the quote on the bottom says. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven" This window was sponsored by the ladies (parishioners) of St Patrick Cathedral. The Stained Glass Window on the Right is of Mary Magdalene washing the feet of Jesus. the quote on the bottom says "Many sins are forgiven her, because she had loved much' Luke VII47

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Saint Patrick Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - Stained Glass Window

St. Patrick's Cathedral - El Paso, Texas - Stained Glass Window

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Christ Chavez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Más sobre la misma comunidad-colección

Northwest services center

Northwest services center in 4096 doniphan

Desert Botanical Garden in west el paso on doniphan

EPIDS fine arts

EPIDS fine arts 4864 Doniphan


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Susan Magoffin - Upper Valley - El Paso, Texas

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Susan Shelby Magoffin - El Paso, Texas

Susan Shelby Magoffin returned to the Santa Fe Trail on Saturday ...

Susan Shelby Magoffin - El Paso, Texas

Susan Shelby Magoffin returned to the Santa Fe Trail on Saturday ...

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Flood 2006 Keystone Dam

The Keystone Dam retention basin during the flood event of ...

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Susan Shelby Magoffin - El Paso, Texas

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Susan Magoffin - Historia - El Paso, Texas

History of Susan Shelby Magoffin who arrived in El Paso del ...
