Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Company E - Dos

Capt. John L. Chapin - Company E - 1940

Capt. John L. Chapin - Company E - 1940 When most people in the Fort Bliss and El Paso communities hear the name “Chapin,” they think of the high school in the northeast neighborhood area. Most do not know the school is named after native El Pasoan and World War II hero Capt. John L. Chapin. Chapin was born March 15, 1913, and attended grade school and high school in El Paso and Ysleta school districts. He met his wife, Velma, when he was 9 years old and they married April 21, 1937. He went on to earn a chemical engineering degree from Texas A&M in1936. A National Guard unit approached Chapin about becoming their chemical warfare officer. He decided to join them, because he wanted to attend medical school and the extra money would help him pay for it. He only planned on being in the unit for a year, but the unit was activated a short time later as E Company, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th Division. While in training, Chapin was promoted to captain and assumed command of the company. The men of E Co. respected Chapin for his skill as an officer and his fairness in dealing with daily grind of military duty. It was at this time that the men of E Co. gave Chapin his nickname, “Daddy Long Legs,” though most addressed him as “Captain John.” The failed Rapido crossing Jan. 22, 1944, was a critical, but suicidal, mission. Chapin led his men across against heavy opposition. E Co. was one of the few units to actually get across the river. Chapin was found in his foxhole with a telephone in one hand and his carbine in the other. He earned the Silver Star for his heroics at the Rapido River.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy of 36th Division Association

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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SGT. Lorenzo M. Luna & Soldiers - 1941

Photograph taken at Camp Bowie - Brownwood, Texas. Company E, which was comprised of soldiers from El Paso, Texas, mostly from the Segundo Barrio and Bowie High School. SGT. Lorenzo M. Luna is to the left of the image kneeling. Other soldiers in the image are unidentified. Company "E" was a group of men and boys, many of whom could not speak English, some from Juarez, all Hispanic, except for the officers, one of whom was 1st Lt. John L. Chapin. Many of these "boys" had dropped out of Austin, Bowie and El Paso High Schools to join the guard because they knew we were in for some tough battles in the future and they wanted to be trained. Company "E" left El Paso without much fanfare because this was still before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Men of Company E - Delta Park - El Paso, Texas

Unveiling ceremony - November 7, 2008.The Men of Company E Memorial is a bronze bass monument honoring a group of young Mexican-American soldiers from the City of El Paso who were sent to Southern Italy on a tragic mission to cross the Rapido River on the night of January 21, 1944. Amidst WWII, the river was heavily fortified by the German Army, making it what some historians describe as one of the insurmountable missions in World War II. Tragically, the Men of Company E, 141st Infantry, 36th Division, whom many now refer to as the Fallen Sons of El Paso, were killed in the attempt to cross a waterway saturated with barbed wire, mines, and artillery.

Área: Central / Chamizal

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Men Of Company E - 2008 - Artist - Julio Sanchez de Alba

Unveiling ceremony - November 7, 2008.The Men of Company E Memorial is a bronze bass monument honoring a group of young Mexican-American Soldiers from the City of El Paso who were sent to Southern Italy on a tragic mission to cross the Rapido River on the night of January 21, 1944. Amidst WWII, the river was heavily fortified by the German Army, making it what some historians describe as one of the insurmountable missions in World War II. Tragically, the Men of Company E, 141st Infantry, 36th Division, whom many now refer to as the Fallen Sons of El Paso, were killed in the attempt to cross a waterway saturated with barbed wire, mines, and artillery. Men of Company E Memorial Wall Unveiling November 7, 2008, 2:00 p.m. 4321 Delta Drive The El Paso Public Art Program invites the public to the unveiling of the Men of Company E Memorial, funded by the 2% for the arts program, on November 7th at the Chalio Acosta Recreation Center, located on 4321 Delta Drive, at 2:00pm. The ribbon cutting and reception will be held in honor of local bronze artist Julio Sanchez de Alba, who has completed a memorial in honor of the Men of Company E, 141st Infantry, 36th Division, located on Delta Drive and Tobin Place.

Área: Central / Chamizal

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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1st Sergeant Lorenzo Luna - 1964

Lorenzo Luna was a member of Company E. Hispanics of the 141st Regiment of the 36th Infantry Division were some of the first American troops to land on Italian soil at Salerno. Company E of the 141st Regiment was entirely Hispanic. In this article Luna is honored by veterans of Company E in the year 1964. Lorenzo Luna was the first, 1st Sergeant of Company E.

Área: Central / Clardy Fox

Fuente: Martin Luna & Herald Post

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Ricardo Palacios Jr. - 1941 - Company E

Ricardo Palacios Jr. at Camp Bowie - Brownwood, Texas. Ricardo Palacios Jr. was a member of Company E. Location is Camp Bowie. Company E, which was comprised of soldiers from El Paso, Texas, mostly from the Segundo Barrio and Bowie High School.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Ricardo Palacios III

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Patriots From The Barrio - Dave Gutierrez

The true WWII story of the men who served in the U.S. Army's all Mexican American combat unit the 36th Division 141st Combat Regiment 2nd Battalion Company E. Patriots from the Barrio is the true story of a US Army combat unit during WWII. Author Dave Gutierrez started to research the biography of relative Ramon G. Gutierrez, who served in the Thirty-Sixth Division, 141st Regiment, Second Battalion, Company E. The unit was comprised entirely of Mexican Americans from the barrios of south Texas. Gutierrez spent four years on the research and compiled several individual stories to tell one incredible story of the US Army battles in Italy during WWII. Gutierrez records the sensitive subjects of discrimination, segregation of schools, and the illegal deportation of Mexican Americans during the Great Depression. Relative Ramon Gutierrez from Del Rio Texas was awarded the Silver Star and three Purple Hearts by the US Army. Captured by the enemy twice, he was able to escape and make it back across to Allied lines. He would also become one of only a handful of Americans to be decorated for valor on the battlefield by the Soviet Union during WWII. His true story and the men that served in the US Army’s unique and historical all Mexican American combat unit is chronicled in Patriots from the Barrio.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Dave Gutierrez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Roque Segura - 1941 - Company E

Roque Segura - El Paso, Texas, killed in action 01/22/1944 San Angelo, Italy. Company E, which was comprised of soldiers from El Paso, Texas, mostly from the Segundo Barrio and Bowie High School.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy of Olivia Nichols El Paso, Texas

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Ruben Rodriguez - Company E - 1941

Ruben Rodriguez - member of the famous Company E. Ruben Rodriguez - El Paso Texas killed in action 11/28/1943 Mt. Rotondo, Italy.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Lorena Rodriguez of El Paso Texas

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Los hombres de la compañía E - Delta Park - El Paso, Texas

Ciudad de El Paso Public Art Artista: Julio Sanchez De Alba Material: Bronce Bajorrelieve, hormigón, granito Los Hombres de Empresa E Memorial es un monumento de bronce en honor al bajo un grupo de jóvenes soldados estadounidenses de origen mexicano de la ciudad de El Paso que fueron enviados al sur de Italia en una misión trágica para cruzar el río Rapido en la noche del 21 de enero 1944 . en medio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el río fue fuertemente reforzada por el ejército alemán, por lo que es lo que algunos historiadores describen como una de las misiones insuperables en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Trágicamente, los hombres de la Compañía E, 141o Infantería, 36 ª División, a quienes ahora muchos se refieren como los hijos caídos de El Paso, murieron en el intento de cruzar una vía de agua saturada con alambre de púas, minas y artillería. Ubicación: Delta Park, 4321 Delta Dr., El Paso, Texas, 79905

Creador: Artist: Julio Sanchez De Alba

Área: Central / South Central

Fuente: Julio Sanchez De Alba and City of El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department Public Art

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Lorenzo Luna Honored - Company E

Lorenzo Luna honored at the Paso Del Norte Hotel with dinner for members and wives. Luna is well remembered for his strict discipline dispensed to all the members and for developing some of the best soldiers in the division.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Company E - 27th Anniversary Dance - 1990

November 24, 1990 - Company E Veterans - 27th Anniversary Dance

Área: Central / Morningside Heights

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Two Unidentified Soldiers - Company E - 1941

Two unidentified soldiers from Company E during training. Training in the state of Louisiana.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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SGT. Lorenzo M. Luna - 1941

SGT. Lorenzo M. Luna - Camp Bowie - training soldiers from El Paso, Texas.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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SGT. Lorenzo M. Luna - 1941

SGT. Lorenzo M. Luna - 1940 - Camp Bowie - Brownwood, Texas.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Sgt. Lorenzo M. Luna & Sgt. H. Kahl - 1941

Men who trained soldiers for Company E. Sgt. Lorenzo M. Luna & Sgt. H. Kahl - 1941 - Camp Bowie - Brownwood, Texas. Date on the back of photograph is May 6, 1941.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Cpl. Macias - Company E - 1941

Cpl. Macias - Company E - Camp Bowie - Brownwood, Texas

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Company E - 1940 - 141st Infantry - 36th Division

Company E - 1940 - 141st Infantry - 36th Division January 1, 1940 - List of soldiers in Company E.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Martin Luna

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Capt. John L. Chapin - Company E - 1940

Capt. John L. Chapin - Company E - 1940 - in this photograph Chapin is second from the left. When most people in the Fort Bliss and El Paso communities hear the name “Chapin,” they think of the high school in the northeast neighborhood area. Most do not know the school is named after native El Pasoan and World War II hero Capt. John L. Chapin. Chapin was born March 15, 1913, and attended grade school and high school in El Paso and Ysleta school districts. He met his wife, Velma, when he was 9 years old and they married April 21, 1937. He went on to earn a chemical engineering degree from Texas A&M in1936. A National Guard unit approached Chapin about becoming their chemical warfare officer. He decided to join them, because he wanted to attend medical school and the extra money would help him pay for it. He only planned on being in the unit for a year, but the unit was activated a short time later as E Company, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th Division. While in training, Chapin was promoted to captain and assumed command of the company. The men of E Co. respected Chapin for his skill as an officer and his fairness in dealing with daily grind of military duty. It was at this time that the men of E Co. gave Chapin his nickname, “Daddy Long Legs,” though most addressed him as “Captain John.” The failed Rapido crossing Jan. 22, 1944, was a critical, but suicidal, mission. Chapin led his men across against heavy opposition. E Co. was one of the few units to actually get across the river. Chapin was found in his foxhole with a telephone in one hand and his carbine in the other. He earned the Silver Star for his heroics at the Rapido River.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy of Alex Carrillo Jr.

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Alex Rivas - With Dave Gutierrez - Company E

Alex Rivas from El Paso Texas was an original member of Company E Texas National Guard. Alex Rivas is center of the image next to Dave Gutierrez author of the book on Company E. to the left of the image. Photograph taken downtown El Paso, Texas after a lecture on Company E.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: EPMH

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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