Company E

Company E

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Company E

Company E

Company E

Sixto Frausto and Hortencia Frausto - 1942

"Sixto Frausto was known as "El Torro" to the men of Company E. Every man in the company would refer to him as the smartest guy in the company and more than likely the Regiment. On January 5th 1942 he married Hortencia Esquivel." Patriots from the Barrio By Dave Gutierrez

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Andrew Kearney

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Camp Bowie - Sgt. Eduardo Romo - 1941

Sgt. Eduardo Romo a member of Company E during training. Training took place at Camp Bowie located in Texas. Camp Bowie is a United States National Guard training center located in west central Texas on the southern outskirts of Brownwood. With clouds darkening over Europe, the President of the United States used his authority to activate the Texas National Guard into Federal military service. On the date of their activation, November 20, 1940, these proud Tejanos became part of the U.S. 36th Infantry Division, only fourteen months before Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941. These heroic soldiers from pastoral West Texas would be tattling courageously in Italy and Germany. They were the first American soldiers to land in Europe in the allied effort to defeat Fascism and Nazism. The 36th Texas Division initiated the Italian Campaign when they landed at the Bay of Salerno on September 9, 1943. As one of the combat outfits of the Texas Division, Company E fought some of the toughest battles of World War II in mountainous terrain at Salerno, San Pietro, Monte Cassino, Velletri, and Anzio. They swept across Southern France and ended World War II when they crossed the Rhine River to fight the German Army on its home ground. Along the way they liberated Naples and Rome and captured Field Marshall Herman Goering, the number two Nazi in the German hierarchy.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Ruth Romo of El Paso, Texas - daughter of Sgt. Eduardo Romo

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Alfredo Lozano - Company E, 1940 - 1949

Photograph of Alfredo Lozano after receiving the purple heart. Company E, which was comprised of soldiers from El Paso, Texas, mostly from the Segundo Barrio and Bowie High School. On a mission to Monte Cassino between Jan. 20-23, 1944, its members were ordered to cross the Rapido River in southern Italy. They walked into a fight with German forces that's now considered the greatest military blunder of World War II. Those who weren't killed were wounded or captured.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Alicia Stredic

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Compañía E - 1941

Fotografía tomada en el Campamento Bowie en Brownwood Texas - 1941. La Compañía E, que estaba compuesta por soldados de El Paso, Texas, en su mayoría del Segundo Barrio y de la High School secundaria de Bowie. Una unidad original de la guardia nacional fuera de El Paso Texas, la unidad entrenaba fuera del Campamento Bowie en Brownwood, Texas antes del 7 de diciembre de 1941. Con la ruptura de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la 36.a división movió su entrenamiento al Campamento Blanding Florida, participaron en las maniobras de Carolina antes de comenzar el entrenamiento anfibio en el Campamento Edwards Massachusetts. Los T-Patchers como se le conocía a la 36º División llegaron al norte de África en abril de 1943 donde continuaron el entrenamiento anfibios. La 36 ª División se adjuntó al V Ejército y encabezó el aterrizaje en Salerno Italia el 9 de septiembre de 1943. La Compañía E iría a luchar en algunas de las más horribles batallas de la Campaña Italiana, incluyendo el desastroso cruce del río Rapido donde la 36 ª División perdió más de 2.000 hombres.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Ruth Romo

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Compañía E - 1941

141ª Infantería - Compañía E - 1er LT. Grayson P. Gwyn Comandante - octubre de 1941. La ubicación es el campamento Bowie. La Compañía E, que estaba compuesta por soldados de El Paso, Texas, en su mayoría del Segundo Barrio y de la High School secundaria de Bowie. Una unidad original de la guardia nacional fuera de El Paso Texas, la unidad entrenaba fuera del campamento Bowie en Brownwood Texas antes del 7 de diciembre de 1941. En la rotura de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la 36.a División movió su entrenamiento al campamento Blanding Florida. Participaron en las maniobras de Carolina antes de comenzar el entrenamiento anfibio en el campamento Edwards Massachusetts. Los T-Patchers, como se conocía al 36º, llegaron al norte de África en abril de 1943 donde continuaron el entrenamiento anfibios. La 36 ª División se adjuntó al V Ejército y encabezó el aterrizaje en Salerno Italia el 9 de septiembre de 1943. La Compañía E iría a luchar en algunas de las más horribles batallas de la campaña Italiana, incluyendo el desastroso Rapido River Crossing donde la 36 ª División perdió a más de 2.000 hombres.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Dave Gutierrez.

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Lista de la Compañía E - 1941

Lista de la Compañía E - Camp Bowie, Texas - octubre, 1941 Octubre de 1941 en Camp Bowie en Brownwood, Texas. Con las nubes oscureciendo sobre Europa, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos usó su autoridad para activar a la Guardia Nacional de Texas en el servicio militar federal. En la fecha de su activación, el 20 de noviembre de 1940, estos orgullosos Tejanos se convirtieron en parte de la 36 División de Infantería de los Estados Unidos, sólo catorce meses antes del ataque furtivo de Japón en Pearl Harbor el 7 de diciembre de 1941. Estos heroicos soldados del oeste pastoral de Texas estarían chasqueando Con valentía en Italia y Alemania. Fueron los primeros soldados americanos en aterrizar en Europa en el esfuerzo aliado para derrotar el fascismo y el nazismo. La 36 ª División de Texas inició la Campaña de Italia cuando aterrizaron en la Bahía de Salerno el 9 de septiembre de 1943. Como uno de los equipos de combate de la División de Texas, la Compañía E luchó algunas de las más duras batallas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en terreno montañoso en Salerno , San Pietro, Monte Cassino, Velletri y Anzio. Ellos barrieron el sur de Francia y terminaron la Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando cruzaron el río Rin para luchar contra el ejército alemán en su tierra natal. A lo largo del camino liberaron Nápoles y Roma y capturaron al mariscal de campo Herman Goering, el número dos nazis en la jerarquía alemana. Https://

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy of Lucille Rodriguez El Paso Texas

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Alex Carrillo - Boxer - 1940 - 1949

Alex Carrillo - Boxer - 1940 - 1949 He was a member of Company E. Also, he was on the Boxing team at Bowie High School. Bowie High School is located in El Paso, Texas.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Alex Carrillo Jr. El Paso Texas

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Alex Carrillo and Lucy Carrillo- 1940 -1949

El Paso, Texas - Alex Carrillo and Lucy Carrillo during the war years of World War II.Photograph was taken in El Paso, Texas. Was a member of the famous Company E during World War II.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Alex Carrillo Jr.

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Alex Carrillo Jr. - 1940 -1949

Alex Carrillo Jr. - member of Company E. Company E, which was comprised of soldiers from Texas, mostly from the Segundo Barrio and Bowie High School, served in Italy. On a mission to Monte Cassino between Jan. 20-23, 1944, its members were ordered to cross the Rapido River in southern Italy. They walked into a fight with German forces that's now considered the greatest military blunder of World War II. Those who weren't killed were wounded or captured.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Alex Carrillo Jr.

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Alfredo and Maria Ruiz - 1940 - 1949

Alfredo and Maria Ruiz - 1940 - 1949. Alfredo Ruiz was a member of Company E.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Harold Ruiz

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Eduardo Romo - Company E - 1941

Eduardo Romo standing at attention at Camp Bowie. He is wearing a World War II styled uniform, holding his rifle at his side. Photograph taken at Camp Bowie in Brownwood Texas - 1941. Company E, which was comprised of soldiers from El Paso, Texas, mostly from the Segundo Barrio and Bowie High School.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Ruth Romo

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Emblem - 141st Regiment-2nd Battalion - Company E - 1941

Emblem - 141st Regiment-2nd Battalion - Company E - 36th Division - 1941 Company E, which was comprised of soldiers from Texas, mostly from the Segundo Barrio and Bowie High School, served in Italy. On a mission to Monte Cassino between Jan. 20-23, 1944, its members were ordered to cross the Rapido River in southern Italy. They walked into a fight with German forces that's now considered the greatest military blunder of World War II. Those who weren't killed were wounded or captured. The men were also instrumental in the liberation of Rome on June 4, 1944.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Dave Gutierrez

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Gabriel Salazar - Company E - 1941

Photograph of Gabriel Salazar who was a member of Company E. Hispanics of the 141st Regiment of the 36th Infantry Division were some of the first American troops to land on Italian soil at Salerno. Company E of the 141st Regiment was entirely Hispanic. The 36th Infantry Division fought in Italy and France, enduring heavy casualties during the crossing of the Rapido River near Cassino, Italy. This was a controversial event over which military analysts have argued.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Marc Salazar

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Jesus and Andrea Medina - 1940 - 1949

Jesus and Andrea Medina during the war years. Jesus Medina was a member of the famous Company E. Company E of the 141st Regiment was entirely Hispanic.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: David Medina, El Paso, Texas

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Lorenzo Macias - Company E - 1941

Lorenzo Macias member of Company E was killed in action December 23, 1943. Company E of the 141st Regiment was entirely Hispanic. The 36th Infantry Division fought in Italy and France, enduring heavy casualties during the crossing of the Rapido River near Cassino, Italy. This was a controversial event over which military analysts have argued.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Elena Macias, El Cerritos, CA

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Lorenzo Luna - Company E - 1941

Lorenzo Luna was a member of Company E. Hispanics of the 141st Regiment of the 36th Infantry Division were some of the first American troops to land on Italian soil at Salerno. Company E of the 141st Regiment was entirely Hispanic. The 36th Infantry Division fought in Italy and France, enduring heavy casualties during the crossing of the Rapido River near Cassino, Italy. This was a controversial event over which military analysts have argued.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy of Norma De La Rosa, El Paso, Texas

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Manuel R. Rivera - Company E - 1942

Manuel R. Rivera - Company E - 1942

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy of Donna Rivera, Providence, RI.

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Rafael Torres - Company E - 1942

Rafael Torres - Company E - 1942 - member of the famous Company E from El Paso, Texas.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy of Sonya Heilmann, Marion, Iowa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Ramon G. Gutierrez - Company E - 1942

Ramon G. Gutierrez was a member of Company E during World War II. Ramon G. Gutierrez was with the 2nd Btn. 141st Infantry E Company at Salerno, Rapido River and others. He was awarded two silver stars, two purple hearts and after the war, the USSR awarded him the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd Class. The only other non-Russians awarded this honor were General Dwight D. Eisenhower and British Field Marshal Montogomery. He was recently honored with a memorial in his hometown of Del Rio, Texas but we don't have much information about the details, especially about the Russian award. The memorial is in front of the San Felipe High School Exes Memorial Museum in Del Rio, Texas.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Courtesy Gloria Cadena, San Jose,CA

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Marcelino Valadez - Company E - 1942

Marcelino Valadez - Company E - 1942 - member of Company E. An original National Guard unit was composed entirely of Mexican-Americans from barrios in Texas. The men who served in the 36th Division, 141st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Company E were involved in some of most crucial battles of WWII during the Italian Campaign. Photograph shows Marcelino Valadez in his World War II uniform.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Marta Zamora from Pflugerville, TX

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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