Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Cathedral High School Dos

Misión de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1997

Misión de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1997

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Hermanos de la escuela cristiana - El Paso, Texas - 1976

Anuario de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1976

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook - 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Escuela secundaria Cathedral -1936

Escuela secundaria Cathedral -1936

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Entrada de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1923

Entrada de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1923 - El Paso, Texas Entrada por la calle Stanton.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Escuela secundaria Cathedral -1966

De izquierda a derecha: Eddie Armendariz, desconocido, Hermano Steven, Director, Roy Vera, Gilbert Cordova - frente a la escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1966.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook - 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Photo taken in El Paso, TX. Principal and students on Stanton St.

Jose Manuel De La Rosa - 1976

Jose Manuel De La Rosa - 1976

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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This young man became a physician and had a profound impact on creation of medical school in El Paso, TX.

Escuela secundaria Cathedral -1976

Escuela secundaria Cathedral - Estudiantes del consejo estudiantil de cuarto y primer año

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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"Photo taken in El Paso, TX 1976" - Eva Ross

Escuela secundaria Cathedral - Oficiales del consejo estudiantil - 1976

Escuela secundaria Cathedral - Oficiales del consejo estudiantil - 1976

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Escuela secundaria Cathedral -1976

Club de ingeniería de la secundaria Cathedral - Club literario - Coro irlandes

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Maestro de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - Raul Guereca

Maestro de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - Raul Guereca

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High Yearbook 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Raul Guereca taught music for many years in El Paso, TX.

"Photo taken in El Paso, TX circa 1975." - Eva Ross

El Sr. G - Escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1976

En la página 143 del anuario de 1976 de la escuela secundaria Cathedral - el Sr. G en el micrófono.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Luis Esparza - Valedictorian (da discurso de despedida) - Escuela secundaria Cathedral 1976

Luis Esparza - Valedictorian (da discurso de despedida) - Escuela secundaria Cathedral 1976 - El Paso, Texas

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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He is our uncle yayyyy!

Jose Angel Frietze Jr., Salutador 1976

Jose Angel Frietze Jr., Salutador Cathedral High, El Paso, Texas 1976

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook 1976

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Hermano Brenden Hayden - 1996

Hermano Brenden Hayden - Cathedral High School, El Paso, Texas 1996

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Escuela secundaria Cathedral -1996

Deportes - Escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1996

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Ceremonia de la iluminación de la vela - 1996

Escuela secundaria Cathedral - 1996

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Escuela secundaria Cathedral -1997

Despedida de la clase de 1997.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Escuela secundaria Cathedral - Corte de bienvenida - 2006 - El Paso, Texas

La corte de bienvenida de 2006: Joseph Torres, Frank Rayas, William Windle y Luke Garcia.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School Yearbook 2006-007

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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"Catholic Cathedral High is an all male Catholic high school. Homecoming games are played at El Paso High stadium." - Eva Ross

Tradición irlandesa de Cathedral - Tradición - 2006

La semana de bienvenida se inicia con la Ceremonia tradicional. La ceremonia, establecida en 1991, sigue como una fuerza unificadora entre antiguos alumnos, la clase de cuarto año y los de estudiantes de primer año. Los alumnos alumbraron velas de los estudiantes de cuarto año, que a su vez, encendieron las velas de los estudiantes de primer año.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: Cathedral High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Desfile Anal Sun Bowl - 1949

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Desfile anual Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1966

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1964

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1963

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1962

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1961

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1960

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1959

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1958

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Annual Sun Bowl Parade - 1957

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1956

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Desfile Anual del Sun Bowl - State National Bank - 1955

Sun Bowl Parade - State National Bank in the year 1955.

Annual Sun Bowl Parade - State National Bank - 1954

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...

Annual Sun Bowl Parade - 1953

The Sun Bowl was chartered in 1934 making it the second oldest ...
