Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Douglass High School

Dedicación del marcador histórico de Douglass - 2015
Historiadores, dignatarios, funcionarios de EPISD e incluso ex-alumnos se reunieron en la esquina de la calles Kansas y Fourth Avenue El Paso, Tejas para celebrar la inauguración del nuevo marcador histórico de Texas en el edificio que una vez alojó a la Escuela de Douglass Grammar y secundaria — escuela de El Paso para estudiantes afroamericanos,
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Thelma White - El Paso, Texas
Thelma Joyce White's family moved to El Paso when she was a little girl. Thelma graduated as class valedictorian from Douglass High School in 1954, the only school for African Americans in El Paso until the desegregation of schools in 1956. After, she applied for admission to Texas Western College (today: UTEP), she was rejected due to the university's policy of racial exclusion for black undergraduates. White then attended New Mexico A&M College in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Nonetheless, in March 1955 lawyers acting in her behalf filed suit in federal court, seeking White's admission to Texas Western. While the case was pending, the United States Supreme Court confirmed the desegregation in schools. White's attorneys, however, did not abandon the suit and on July 18 Federal District Judge Robert E. Thomason issued a declaratory judgment in her behalf, permanently enjoining the UT system from denying her or any other African-American student the right to study at Texas Western. In consequence, the first black students enrolled at Texas Western College. Thelma White however, did not enroll but continued to study at New Mexico A&M College until she married Maj. Curtis Camack. They had four children together, and three of them eventually attended the University of Texas at El Paso. White worked at the White Sands Missile Ranch for many years. An academic support network for African-American students at UTEP was founded in 1993 and named in her honor.
Área: Central / University
Fuente: C.L. Sonnichsen Special Collections, University of Texas at El Paso Library. Photo ID: MS001
Cargado por: UTEP Library Special Collections
Mildred Parish Massey
Mildred Parish Massey nació en El Paso, Texas, el 6 de junio de 1924. Su padre, William Calhoun Parish, fue el primer cartero afroamericano en El Paso y hablaba español fluido. Su madre, Willie Pointer Parish, era ama de casa y se encargó de la crianza de sus hijas: Juanita, Lois y Mildred. Las 3 niñas fueron a una excelente escuela para personas de color, la Primaria y Secundaria Douglass de El Paso. Mildred tocaba el saxofón en la banda y desfilaba en el evento del “Sun Bowl”. También fue la directora del equipo de baloncesto de la Secundaria Douglass. Obtuvo una beca en la Universidad Tillotson de Austin, Texas, y luego se trasladó a la Universidad del Sudeste en Baton Rouge, LA, para estudiar administración de empresas. Durante su iniciación en una hermandad, supo que su amiga no podía iniciarse por su color de piel oscuro. Entonces, retiró de inmediato su solicitud, pidió a Mary McLeod Bethune que viniese al campus para ayudar a cambiar esta política discriminatoria y lo logró. Mildred se mudó a Portsmouth, Virginia y la contrataron para trabajar como agente de registro y secretaria del presidente del departamento de Norfolk en la Universidad Estatal de Virginia, ahora conocida como Universidad Estatal de Norfolk. Mildred regresó a El Paso, Texas, y dio a luz a 3 niñas entre 1946 y 1952, la diputada Barbara Lee, la Sra. Mildred Whitfield y la Sra. Beverly Hardy. Rompió muchas barreras raciales como la primera afroamericana en ocupar cargos claves. Trabajó en la Organización de servicios unidos (USO por su sigla en inglés) y fue la primera oficinista de color de Fuerte Bliss, Texas, en trabajar en el Localizador Postal. Mientras trabajaba, fue a la Universidad del Oeste de Texas (ahora conocida como la Universidad de Texas en El Paso) y fue una de los 7 estudiantes que integraron el Oeste de Texas. Mildred fue miembro activo de la Logia de la Estrella de Oriente, el Club Phyllis Wheatley, la Asociación nacional para el avance de personas de color (NAACP por su sigla en inglés) y la Iglesia Metodista de la Avenida Myrtle. En 1960, Mildred se mudó a San Fernando, California, donde una vez más rompió muchas barreras sociales en el lugar de trabajo como la primera afroamericana en trabajar para la Compañía Raymond Lamp, en ser subgerente de la tienda de vestidos Lerner en Ciudad Panorama, California, y ocupar el cargo de gerente de la firma Rembrandt en San Fernando, California, y el Hospital de la administración de veteranos en Sylmar, California. En un momento, Mildred tenía tres empleos para poder cuidar de su padre mayor y sus 3 hijas. En 1975, Mildred se mudó a Oakland, California y trabajó para la Administración de Seguridad Social hasta su retiro en 1986. Luego de jubilarse, ayudó a fundar y gestionar el negocio de su hija Barbara Lee, Lee y Asociados, que operaba como Compañía WC Parish, hasta su segundo retiro en 1998, cuando se mudó a la Ciudad del Sol, en Arizona, hasta el año 2010. Mildred ama ir de compras y disfruta viajar. Estuvo en Grecia, Italia, España, Hawái, Las Bahamas, México, Granada, St. Maarten, Las Islas Virgin y Martha’s Vineyard. Siente curiosidad por la belleza de las mariposas y tiene una maravillosa colección de adornos de mariposas e ítems personales que le dan mucha alegría. En la actualidad, Mildred Massey vive en Great Lake Gardens, en Oakland, California, y es la mayor simpatizante de la diputada Barbara Lee. Ama la música y el baloncesto y es una espectadora frecuente de la Sinfonía de Oakland. Mildred Massey adoptó a la Iglesia Bautista del Templo Allen como su hogar religioso y valora el amor y el apoyo del Pastor Emeritus J. Alfred Smith padre, el Pastor J. Alfred Smith hijo y la familia entera de la iglesia del Templo Allen. Mildred está orgullosa de sus 3 hijas, 7 nietos, 16 bisnietos y 1 tataranieto. (Toda la información de arriba fue actual hasta su muerte.) La madre de la diputada Bárbara Lee, Mildred Parish Massey de 90 años, dejó este mundo en paz, rodeada de su familia, en la ciudad de Oakland, el lunes 16 de febrero de 2015.
Área: Central / Five Points
Fuente: Mildred Parish Massey
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Mildred Parish Massey - El Paso, Texas
THANK YOU FOR SHARING MY 90TH BIRTHDAY WITH ME. I LOVE YOU ALL. MILDRED (Mildred turn 90 in the year 2014) Mildred Parish Massey was born in El Paso, Texas June 6, 1924. Her father, William Calhoun Parish was the first African American letter carrier in El Paso and spoke fluent Spanish. Her mother, Willie Pointer Parish was a homemaker who raised her daughters Juanita, Lois and Mildred. All 3 girls attended the excellent all black school, Douglass elementary and high school in El Paso. Mildred played the saxophone in the band and marched in the Sun Bowl Parade. She was also the manager of the Douglass High School basketball team. She won a scholarship to Tillotson College in Austin Texas and transferred to Southern University in Baton Rouge, La to study business administration. When pledging to a sorority she learned that her friend could not pledge due to her darker skin color and immediately withdrew her application and asked Mary McLeod Bethune to come to campus to help change this discriminatory policy, which succeeded. Mildred moved to Portsmouth, Virginia and was hired to work as registrar and secretary to the president of Norfolk division of Virginia State College, now Norfolk State University. Mildred returned to El Paso Texas and gave birth to 3 girls between 1946 and 1952 – Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Mrs. Mildred Whitfield and Mrs. Beverly Hardy. She broke many racial barriers as the first African American to be hired in key positions. She worked at the USO and was the first Black clerical worker at Ft. Bliss Texas in the Postal Locator. While working, she attended Texas Western College (now the University of Texas at El Paso) and was one of 7 students to integrate Texas Western. Mildred was an active member of the Easter Star Lodge, Phyllis Wheatley Club and the NAACP and Myrtle Ave Methodist Church. In 1960 Mildred moved to San Fernando Calif where once again, she broke many racial barriers in the workplace as the first African American to work at the Raymond Lamp Company, Assistant Manager of Lerner Dress store in Panorama City, Calif and Manager of the Rembrandt Sign Co in San Fernando, Calif. and the Veterans Administration Hospital in Sylmar, Calif. At one point Mildred worked three jobs to take care of her aging father and 3 daughters. In 1975 Mildred moved to Oakland California and worked for the Social Security Administration until her retirement in 1986. Upon her retirement, she helped found and manage her daughter, Barbara Lee’s business, Lee Associates, dba the WC Parish Co. until her second retirement in 1998 when she moved to Sun City, Arizona until 2010. Mildred enjoys traveling and has visited Greece, Italy, Spain, Hawaii, The Bahamas, Mexico, Grenada, St. Maarten, Virgin Islands, Martha’s Vineyard, and loves to shop. She is intrigued with the beauty of butterflies and has a wonderful collection of butterfly ornaments and personal items, which bring her a lot of joy. Mildred Massey currently lives at Grand lake Gardens in Oakland California and is Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s biggest supporter. She loves music and basketball and is a frequent attendee at the Oakland Symphony. Mildred Massey has adopted Allen Temple Baptist Church as her church home and appreciates the love and support of Pastor Emeritus J. Alfred Smith Sr., Pastor J. Alfred Smith Jr. and the entire Allen Temple Church family. Mildred is proud of her 3 daughters, 7 grandchildren, 16 great grand children and 1 great, great grandchild. (All information above was current until her death) Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s mother Mildred Parish Massey, 90, passed away peacefully in Oakland, surrounded by family, on Monday, Feb. 16, 2015.
Área: Central / Five Points
Fuente: Mildred Parish Massey
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Historical Marker Dedication
Young girl sitting during the Douglass Historical Marker Dedication.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Historical Marker Dedication
Dr. Maceo Dailey with others who gathered at the Douglass Historical Marker Dedication.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Historical Marker Dedication
Douglass Historical Marker Dedication Historians, dignitaries, EPISD officials and even former students gathered at the corner of Kansas Street and Fourth Avenue to celebrate the unveiling of the new Texas Historical marker on the building that once housed Douglass Grammar and High School — El Paso’s school for African American students. The unveiling of the marker on April 18 places the site of the original school places Douglass as one of the places in El Paso with significant historical value. “The marker is incredibly important as our students are distanced from major events within the African American community their horizons are limited,” said Dr. Maceo Dailey, director of the University of Texas at El Paso African American Studies. “This school was probably one of the best in the country at taking students in and moving them to a level where they had the cognitive tools to go on, but they were also appreciative of their history.”
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Historical Marker Dedication
Doris Gary in front of historical marker during the dedication for Douglass Grammar and High School Marker.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Historical Marker Dedication - El Paso, Texas
Photo: McCall Neighborhood Center Manager Barbara Byrd and Doris Gary. This building is the original Douglass Grammar and High School, which severed El Paso's African-American community from 1891 to 1920. It was named in honor of America's most famous abolitionist, Frederick Douglass. El Paso established a segregated public school system in the 1880's and located its educational building for African-American students in the heart of the Black Community. Douglass opened as a grammar school in 1891. By 1896 the curriculum has expanded to include high school classes as well as foreign languages and music, African-Americans found employment in the railroad, smelting, retail and service industries. As Black families prospered, they moved into middle and upper middle class homes in the Five Points area and petitioned the city to provide a school closer to their new neighborhoods. In 1920, a new Douglass Grammar and High School was completed on Eucalyptus Street and the original Douglass School was sold. The new Douglass School served the city's African-American community from 1920 to 1956, when desegregated its school system. Today, Douglass is an Elementary School. Prior to desegregation, the teachers and students at Douglass faced many hardships, including lower salaries and inferior school equipment and supplies. Despite the discrimination, the principals and teachers were well educated and extraordinarily dedicated to their students. Many graduates went on to become successful surgeons, engineers, pharmacists, athletes, artists and educators. Douglass Grammar and High School is a symbol of the "Jim Crow" era of institutional discrimination, but it is also an example of the self-help philosophy that forged a unified African-American Community and provided the city's black children with lifeline to higher education.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Dedicación del marcador histórico de Douglass
Historiadores, dignatarios, funcionarios de EPISD e incluso ex alumnos se reunieron en la esquina de Kansas Street y Fourth Avenue para celebrar la inauguración del nuevo marcador histórico de Texas en el edificio que una vez albergó a Douglass Grammar and High School, la escuela de El Paso para estudiantes afroamericanos. En la foto aparece el ex concejal Rhodes con sombrero en El Paso, Texas, alrededor de 2015.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Historical Marker Dedication
Cephus S. "Dusty" Rhodes and his wife( Rebecca Rhodes) at the Douglass Historical Marker Dedication in El Paso, TX.Mr. Rhodes served on city council.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Douglass Grammar and High School Historical Marker Ceremony.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Douglass Grammar and High School Historical Marker
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Douglass Grammar and High School --students who still attend Douglass Grammar School.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School Historical Marker
Douglass Grammar and High School --students who still attend Douglass Grammar School. Photograph taken at the ceremony for Douglass Grammar and High School Historical Marker presentation.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Douglass Grammar and High School historical marker ceremony. Students from Douglass Grammar School attend the ceremony for the schools historical marker.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Douglass Grammar and High School historical marker ceremony. Students from the school attend the ceremony.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Students who now attend Douglass Grammar School are present for the ceremony.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Douglass Grammar and High School historical marker ceremony.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
Douglass Grammar and High School
Douglass Grammar and High School historical marker ceremony. Dr. Dailey is to the left of the image. Dr. Dailey is Associate Professor at the History Department and Director of African American Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Área: Central / Chamizal
Fuente: EPMH
Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History
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