Primaria Brown 3ro
Mis angelitos
Área: Westside / Helen of Troy
Fuente: Michael Martinez
Cargado por: Michael Martinez
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Escuela primaria Brown 2do
La mejor clase
Escuela primaria Brown 1er
Niños divertidos
Escuela primaria Brown
Escuela primaria Brown 4to periodo
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Bulldogs Football Game Time
Students having fun with Mini Digie at Brown M.S.
My best friends for the year 2015-2016
It's at school
Selfies with mr.martinez and Kayla Chavez
Awesome students
Just Chillin with a huge Baby
Baby isaac making a weird face
Lol can't stop laughing
Joe in his natural habitat
I love my friends so much their like my sisters i couldnt be ...
Ms. Huse dislikes Franklin & loves Coronado HS
At the Plaza with Miner Star.
Funny kids
Better half
Throwing up a rainbow!
A Ryan emerges from its sleep.
Brown Miiddle School
Having fun - at Brown Middle School.
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