Tom Lea Exhibition


Tom Lea Exhibition

Tom Lea, A Retrospective - Tom Lea Exhibit

Tom Lea, A Retrospective Exhibit

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Tom Lea Jr. and Tom Lea Sr. - 1913

Tom Lea Jr. and Tom Lea Sr. El Paso, ca.1913.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Pancho Villa & his Wife, Luz Corral Villa

Mayor Tom Lea arrested Luz Corral Villa for arms smuggling during the Mexican Revolution. As a result Villa threatened to kidnap Tom Lea and his brother Joe.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Eighteen year - old Tom Lea

Eighteen year-old Tom Lea departing for the Art institute of Chicago, with his father at El Paso Union Depot, 1924.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The Art Institute of Chicago

The Art Institute of Chicago, Michigan Avenue Entrance, C. 1920 ( Courtesy The Art Institute of Chicago. All rights reserved.)

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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El Paso Circa

El Paso Circa, 1915

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Pioneers Mural - El Paso, Texas

Tom Lea in Front of Pioneers mural,1931

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Santa Fe

Santa Fe, view across the Santa River southeast from Cerro Gordo, C. 1936-1940 Tom lea was hired as a staff artist for the Laboratory of Anthropology to make diagrams and maps.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Santa Fe

Santa Fe, view across the Santa River southeast from Cerro Gordo, C. 1936-1940 Tom lea was hired as a staff artist for the Laboratory of Anthropology to make diagrams and maps.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Tom lea, Indians, design for a decorative mural panel, 1933. Watercolor, 6x13. Collection of El Paso Museum of Art.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institiute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Lonely Town

Tom Lea, Lonely Town, 1937. Oil on Canvas, 24x34. Collection of James D. Lea, Houston

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Nancy Lea

La esposa de Tom Lea Nancy Lea

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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The NoteBook of Nancy Lea - El Paso, Texas

Tom Lea's wife, Nancy Lea. Tom Lea commemorated her by publishing 25 copies of her art and writing with Carl Hertzog and sharing the books with her friends.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Study for the mural on the North Wall

Tom Lea, Study for the mural on the North Wall, West Texas room, 1936. West Texas Room, Hall of State, Dallas, 1936. Collection of William and Paul Hobby, Houston. Final mural oil on canvas,7x13 feet.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Tom Lea standing in front of the studies of the Charro and Franciscan friar for the pass of the North. photo courtesy of C.L. Sonnichsen Special Collections Department, UTEP Library, EL Paso,Texas. Tom Lea's murals of the 1930s express the history and character of the Southwest and other regions of the U.S. on walls of public buildings from Washington, D.C., to Dallas, Texas, and are arguably the finest of the period. As an eye-witness artist correspondent for LIFE magazine during World War II, Tom Lea traveled more than 100,000 miles to record U.S. and Allied soldiers, sailors, and airmen and their machines waging war worldwide. He wrote and illustrated bestselling novels—The Brave Bulls and The Wonderful Country—that were adapted into Hollywood movies and a dozen other books about subjects as diverse as mountaineering in Wyoming, horse training in 16th century New Spain, and the history of the mammoth King Ranch. His paintings depict remote and exotic places from Ecuador to China, but primarily capture subjects found near his home on the border between Mexico and Texas. Despite his accomplishments, Tom Lea was largely unknown outside Texas when he died on January 29, 2001. His work had taken him to every continent, but he always returned home to El Paso—to paint and to write near Mount Franklin—far from current fashions and art world trends. Tom Lea never sought the approval of a critic or the favor of a museum director, placing the majority of his paintings after World War II in the private collections of his personal friends. Those friends have generously responded to efforts to preserve Tom Lea's work, establishing repositories at the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Texas at El Paso, and the El Paso Museum of Art. Friends have now established the Tom Lea Institute, a not-for-profit corporation, to perpetuate his legacy through collaboration and education.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Pass of the North

Tom Lea, Pass of the North, mural 1938. Oil on Canvas,11x14 feet. Historical Federal Court House, El Paso. Texas.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Tom and Sarah

Tom and Sarah Lea in front of the United States Post Office in Pleasant Hill, Missouri, after installation of his mural in May -1939.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Tom Lea, Stampede, 1940. Oil on canvas, 5.5x16feet . Post Office, Odessa,Texas

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Tom Lea, Comanches , mural,1942. Oil on canvas, 5'x13'17". Post Office, Seymour, Texas.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Tom Lea Institute

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Pintura Rio Grande de Tom Lea, 1954

Lienzo al oleo, 22 x 32 Colección del Museo de Arte de El Paso regalo de Robert y Maureen Decherd en memoria de Isabelle Thomason Decherd y H. Ben Decherd. © James D. Lea

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: © James D. Lea

Cargado por: Tom Lea Institute


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