

American Dam

May 17, 1937 1:30 PM El Paso TX. American Dam, west face of pier No. 8 showing texture of finished concrete at distance of 4'- 6'

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

May 1, 1937 1:15PM El Paso TX. American Dam, view from STA. 1450 of American Canal.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

May 1, 1937 2:20 PM El Paso TX. American Dam, blast at Sta. 1450 view from Sta. 74 & 25

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

May 3, 1937 9:30 AM El Paso TX. American Dam, pier No. 4&5 erecting steel structure, notice hot rivet in steel frame.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

May 3, 1937 9:30 AM El Paso TX. American Dam, erecting steel structure, throwing hot rivet.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Construction of American Dam in 1937

Note: 5-22-37 Noon; El Paso, Texas. American Dam; View from S.E. Heavy dust haze For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Construction of American Dam, 1937

Note: American Dam; Contraction Joint in floor slab between Units 2 and 3; White spots are light reflections from water rising from the crack; Dist. 18". For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Construction of American Dam 1937

Note in image: 5-24-37, 9:30 am, El Paso, Texas. American Dam; View from West; P.&H. Dragline; "Overwhelmed". For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Construction of American Dam 1937

Note: 5-22-37, 12:15 pm, El Paso, Texas. American Dam; View from N.W. Heavy dust haze For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Construction of American Dam 1937

Note in image: 5-10-37, 9:30 am, El Paso, Texas American Dam; Unit I; Transit Mixer No. 6 (com. 52-206); View from S.E. For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam 1937

Note: 5-15-37, 11:50 am, El Paso, Texas American Dam; View from S.E. For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Electric Welder at American Dam, 1937

Por siglos el valle del Rio grande ha sido un recurso de agua de riego para la agricultura para El Paso y Ciudad Juárez. En 1889 los gobiernos de los Estado Unidos y de México establecieron el Intenational Boundary Commission (IBC), renombrado la International Boundary and Water Commision (IWBC) en 1944. Uno de sus primeras acciones fue discutir la entrega de agua del Rio Grande a México. En 1906, los dos países decidieron entregar 60,000 acre-pies de agua anualmente a México sobre el Acequia Madre, el canal principal de irrigación en Ciudad Juárez. El principio del canal está colocado dos millas de la frontera internacional. Agua que sobraba podría ser usada por agriculturitas americanos en el Valle de El Paso. En tiempos de sequilla los compartes mexicanos y americanos fueron reducidos. El sistema no dio un modo para los Estados Unidos asignar una proporción legitima para México y mantener el agua sobrante. Como un resultado México tomo sus primeros compartes y después canalizando el agua remanente al Franklin Canal para las granjas en el Valle de El Paso. De acuerdo a unos estimados americanos esta práctica permitió México usurpar más de tres veces de su porción del agua de riego. El congreso respondió en 1935 autorizando dos proyectos para dimensionar, la Presa Americana y el Canal Americano. La presa captura el agua en Nuevo México cerca de la frontera, mide el comparte Mexicano dejando ese comparte seguir por el Acequia Madre y divirtiendo lo de más a Canal American por dos millas a su destino en el Franklin Canal. El Canal Americano paralela la carretera Paisano en El Paso y el ferrocarril Burlington Northern Santa Fe. El proyecto a presentido una solución exitosa sobre el problema de diversión del agua. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam 1937

Note under image: 5-8-37, 12:45 pm, El Paso, Texas American Dam; View from W.end of foot-bridge, 250' N. of site For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Construction of American Canal, 1937

Note under image: 5-8-37, 2:00 pm, El Paso, Texas American Canal; Latcral Blast at Sta. 82+00; View from Sta. 80+35 For centuries the Rio Grande River has been used as a source of irrigation water for agriculture in the El Paso – Juarez area. In 1889 the governments of the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary Commission (IBC), in 1944 renamed the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). One of its early actions was to discuss delivery of Rio Grande water to Mexico. In 1906, the two countries agreed to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually to Mexico at the main irrigation Canal in Ciudad Juarez, known as Acequia Madre. The canal's mouth is two miles downstream from the international border. The remainder of the water would be used by American farmers in the ninety-mile-long El Paso valley. In times of drought both Mexican and American shares would be reduced on a percentage basis. The system did not provide a way for the United States to allot Mexico its rightful portion and keep the rest. As a result, Mexico took its share first and channeled the remainder into the Franklin Canal for the farms in the El Paso valley. According to some American estimates this permitted Mexico to siphon off up to three times its portion of irrigation water. Responding in 1935, Congress authorized two diversionary projects, the American Dam and the American Canal. The dam caught the water in New Mexico short of the international border, measured Mexico's share and allowed it to continue to the Acequia Madre, and diverted everything else into the American Canal, a two-mile feeder leading to the Franklin Canal. The American Canal parallels West Paisano Drive (US Highway 85) and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad track. The project has proved a successful solution to the problem of dividing the waters. Sources: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rua03 http://www.ibwc.gov/Files/EnvironmentalAssessment.pdf

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

May 1, 1937 12:30 PM El paso TX. American Dam, view from West end of foot bridge 250' north of dam.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

May 1.1937 1:25 PM El Paso TX. American Dam, reaming gate members.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

May 1, 1937 12:15 PM El paso TX. American Dam, view from southeast.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

April 24, 1937 1:00 PM El Paso TX. American Dam east face of pier No. 3 showing texture after removing forms.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

April 24, 1937 1:00 PM El Paso TX. American Dam looking down into pier No. 3 concrete spouting from elephant trunk.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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American Dam

April 26, 1937 1:20 PM El Paso TX. American Dam, rubbing operations east face of pier No. 3.

Área: Central / Smeltertown

Fuente: IBWC

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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almost 80 years since this photo was taken and I can relate to these gentlemen working hard

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