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Aunt Lola & Child on Bike

Ramona Villalva (Aunt Lola) & Herman Villalva (her nephew)

Feeding Baby

Eustolia Villalva feeds "Kit" Villalva (baby)

Grandma's Kitchen

Eulalio & Candelaria Villalva (grandmother), Elizabeth 5yrs, ...

Villalva's Grocery Football Team

"Junie, Guero, Tito"

Chocolate con tostadas, primera comunion

Francisco Alvarez at his First Communion; he told his children ...

Sacred Heart Church Wedding

Andres Munoz & Celia Alvarez

Graduation-Veronica Alma Alvarez

Veronica Alma Alvarez (Norma Castillo's youngest sister)

Graduation-Norma Alvarez - 1961

Norma Alvarez Graduation - 1961

Graduation-Celia Alvarez

Celia Alvarez Hernandez, Norma Castillo's oldest sister

Mother & Children Outside House

Celia Alvarez, Enriqueta Limon Alvarez (mother), Norma Alvarez ...

Children & Bicycles

Outside the house with neighbors on bicycles- located in the ...

Alvarez-Limon Family

Frank Alvarez, Enriqueta Limon (back row L-R); Celia Alvarez, ...

Sister & Brother

Girl unknown & Francisco Alvarez, 3 yrs old

Camp Chaffee, Arkansas

Francisco Alvarez

Nome, Alaska - 1943

Franciso Alvarez in Nome, Alaska - 1943.

In Alaska

Francisco Alvarez in the Army stationed in Alaska, Francisco is ...

Dedicated to His Mother

Francisco Alvarez outside of home at 4077 Charles St

Aunt Portrait

Passport Photo of Ines Limon - El Paso, Texas

Laura Bush's Visit

Laura Bush visited Chihuahuita after George Bush was elected ...

Laura Bush's Visit

Laura Bush visited Chihuahuita after George Bush was elected ...

Laura Bush's Visit

Laura Bush visited Chihuahuita after George Bush was elected ...

Laura Bush's Visit

Laura Bush visited Chihuahuita after George Bush was elected ...

Laura Bush's Visit

Laura Bush visited Chihuahuita after George Bush was elected ...

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