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 97 - 120 of 508 Search results

Sister M. E. Buffy Boesen and staff

Sr M.E Buffy Boesen and staff, Loretto Academy c. 2015

Students at Loretto Academy El Paso TX 2012

Students at Loretto Academy El Paso TX 2012

Helen Santamaria with other nuns 2005

Helen Santamaria with other nuns 2005 El Paso TX

Eva Ross and Gay DeMars

Visit to Loretto September 2021

Ginger G. Francis at the Historical Society HoH

Ginger G. Francis graduated the Loretto Academy Class '75. She ...

Curt Warren, jazz professor, at funeral of Felix Antoine 1996

Kurt Warren, jazz professor, El Paso, TX at funeral of Felix ...

Frances Ratterman SL & Sister Buffy Bosen 2006

El Paso Native, Frances Ratterman SL & Sister Buffy Bosen in El ...

My Great-Grandparents Casillas wedding

Avelina Sanchez and Manuel Casillas married at the Ysleta ...

Jean Kelley enjoys exhibit

Jean Kelley SL views exhibit at El Convento at Loretto Academy, ...

Eva Ross and Friends at the 100th Loretto celebration

Eva Ross and Friends at the 100th Loretto celebration

Mary Lou Galavis Flores at the Class of 69 reunion at Loretto

Mary Lou Galavis Flores at the Class of 69 reunion at Loretto, ...

Women's Equality Day 2021

Little Theater of Loretto, audience for Women's Equality Day. ...

Loretto Class 1930

Loretto Class 1930

Loretto Play 1941

Loretto Play 1941

Sisters Lucy Maurice and Mary Agnes Galvin 1964

Sisters Lucy Maurice and Mary Agnes Galvin 1964

Loretto Alum Domitilia Martinez 1970

Loretto Alum Domitilia Martinez 1970

Loretto Alum Diana Brock Angie Velarde 1957

Loretto Alum Diana Brock Angie Velarde 1957

Loretto Chapel 1967

Loretto Chapel 1967

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

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