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View on ASARCO Industrial Complex

The photograph shows the ASARCO industrial complex in 1975. In ...

Castillo and Madero

The photograph shows revolutionary leader Francisco I. Madero ...

Orozco and Two of His Fighters

Pascual Orozco (1882-1915), small-time entrepreneur, storekeeper ...

Mexican Revolution

Brauilo Hernandez--Abraham Gonzalez-Madero--Pascual Orozco. Men ...

The Fighting Jew

Samuel Dreben WWI soldier of fortune - 1918. Dreben enlisted on ...

Judge Gaylord Clarke

He studied law, and was admitted to the bar on July 19, 1869. In ...

W. W. Cox

W. W. Cox is one of many individuals who was either directly or ...

Rebel Camp Opposite Smelter

El Paso, Texas, smelter, rebel camp

Orozco's Camp

The picture shows a group of rebels in Orozco's camp. Pascual ...

Aultman Behind The Camera

By 1911 El Paso was a gathering place for many of the main ...

Columbus Raid

The Battle of Columbus, the Burning of Columbus or the Columbus ...


In late 1910 revolutionary movements broke out in response to ...

Carranza on Horse

The image shows José Venustiano Carranza Garza on his horse. He ...

Men Preparing To Fire Artillery

This picture shows men, probably revolutionaries, preparing to ...

Merrick Building and Camino Real

The picture was taken in El Paso Street, showing the Merrick ...

The grocery gallery

The grocery gallery at 305 chihuahua

Mexican Revolution

Photos from Mexican Revolution or Mexican Civil War which was a ...

Barricade and Destroyed House

This picture was taken in Juarez during the Mexican Revolution. ...

Headquarters of F. I. Madero (Casa Adobe)

The notation on the back of the image says: " Across the Rio ...

Men and women posing with rifles, bows and arrows

This picture shows men posing, some with rifles, others with ...

Rebels in Front of Headquarters

The postcard shows rebels standing or walking in front of the ...

Barricade on Commercial Street, Juarez

The picture was taken at Calle de Comercio, Juarez, during the ...

Farah Strike - El Paso, Texas

Graciela "Chela" worked for Farah on Paisano. Remembers people ...


Families were evicted from home. Abel helped put up tents for ...

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