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Search results 11977 - 12000 of 17306

JLEP President Gretchen Love

JLEP President Gretchen Love served in 1979-80

JLEP President Dorothy Schatzman

JLEP President Dorothy Schatzman served in 1978-79

JLEP President Cecily Prestridge

JLEP President Cecily Prestridge served in 1977-78

JLEP President Adele Morton

JLEP Presidente Adele Morton served in 1976-77

JLEP President Keith Kelly Gallagher

JLEP President Keith Kelly Gallagher served in 1975-76

JLEP President Shirley Staten

JLEP President Shirley Staten served in 1974-75

JLEP President Lorrie Lowenfield

JLEP President Lorrie Lowenfield served in 1973-74.

JLEP President Ginger Frost

JLEP President Ginger Frost served in 1972-73.

JLEP President Nancy Smith

JLEP President Nancy Smith served in 1971-72

JLEP Presidente Carolyn Ponsford

JLEP President Carolyn Ponsford served in 1970-71

JLEP President Margaret Jackson

JLEP President Margaret Jackson served in 1969-70.

JLEP President Beverly Dick

JLEP President Beverly Dick served in 1968-69

JLEP President Mary Kay Kuper

JLEP President Mary Kay Kuper served in 1967-68

JLEP President Margaret Duncan

JLEP President Margaret Duncan served in 1966-67

JLEP President Betty Ruth Wakefield

JLEP President Betty Ruth Wakefield served in 1965-66

JLEP President Posey Smith

JLEP President Posey Smith served in 1964-65

JLEP President Susan Mayfield

JLEP President Susan Mayfield served in 1963-64.

JLEP President Tabby Marshall

JLEP President Tabby Marshall served in 1962-63

JLEP President Joyce Palm

JLEP President Joyce Palm served in 1961-62.

JLEP President Betty Bauman- El Paso Texas

JLEP President Betty Bauman served in 1960-61

JLEP President Hulda Rhodes

JLEP President Hulda Rhodes served in 1958-59

JLEP President Charlotte Massey

JLEP President Charlotte Massey served in 1957-58

Southwest University Baseball Park Under Construction

This is how the baseball park looked under construction on ...

The Hand of Christo Rey

Closeup of Chirst the King's hand on Mt. Christo Rey

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