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Search results 769 - 778 of 778

Micaela and Lico Subia in Front of Mural

Micaela and Lico Subia in front of mural at their house.

Bathroom interior

Shows part of toilet, sink and bath tub. Industrial grade ...

Magazine or publication page, housing project

Page shows 3 photos. Two interior shots-living room and bedroom, ...


Panfilo Medina.Taken at 804 1/2 S Tays. Was known as a healer or ...

Douglass Grammar and High School

Photo: Douglass Elementary School--Segundo Barrio In ...

Douglass High School Reunion

In 1981 a graduating class of Douglass High School held a ...

Boy Painting Mural

At Alamo park, young men painting mural.

Painting Roses

Ernestina Lopez, painting the roses in the mural

Alamo Park Mural

at Alamo park, women painting mural of the Virgin Mary outside ...

The Making of the Mural

Alamito Park painting the Virgin Mural

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