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Search results 121 - 144 of 584

Priest in Loretto Chapel 1998

Priest in Loretto Chapel 1998

Loretto Play 1941

Loretto Play 1941

Sisters Lucy Maurice and Mary Agnes Galvin 1964

Sisters Lucy Maurice and Mary Agnes Galvin 1964

Loretto Alum Domitilia Martinez 1970

Loretto Alum Domitilia Martinez 1970

Loretto Alum Diana Brock Angie Velarde 1957

Loretto Alum Diana Brock Angie Velarde 1957

Loretto Graduation 1957

Loretto Graduation 1957

Loretto Chapel 1967

Loretto Chapel 1967

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Pictures of Loretto Class of 1961

Graduate Mass May 1946

Graduate Mass May 1946

Mass at Loretto Feb 18, 1962

Mass at Loretto Feb 18, 1962

Loretto elementary thanksgiving 1998

Loretto elementary thanksgiving 1998

Class of 65 taken in 1985 Loretto

Class of 65 taken in 1985 Loretto

Elementary Girl at Loretto

Elementary Girl at Loretto

Loretto Class of 1970

Loretto Class of 1970

Sister Helen Santamaria celebrates 50 years as a nun

Sister Helen Santamaria celebrates 50 years as a nun

Unstoppable 2021

Unstoppable @ Loretto Academy 2020-2021

Loretto Chapel 2021

Loretto Chapel 2021

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