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553 - 576 of 584
Graduation class, Loretto Academy, El Paso, Texas 1930
The image shows the graduation class of 1930 in front of the ...
Playground Of Loretto Academy, 1937 - El Paso, Texas
The image shows some girls of Loretto Academy at Genoveva Court ...
Postcard of Loretto College and Academy, 1920s
This postcard of the Loretty Academy dates from the 1920s. ...
Sun Bowl Fan Fiesta - El Paso, Texas - 2014
Princesses and the queen serve as ambassadors for the city of El ...
Henry O. Flipper, 1856 - 1940
Henry Ossian Flipper, engineer, the first black graduate of West ...
Statue at Cesar Chavez Academy, 7814 Alameda
The statue is by Gary Marks. I arrived unannounced early one ...
Austin Terrace Historic District
Loretto Academy, designed by Henry C. Trost (1860-1933) in 1922, ...
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - El Paso, Texas - 2014
The Rev. Carlos M. Pinto, S.J., a native Italian, arrived in El ...