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529 - 552 of 584
Farewell luncheon for CSM Chandler @ USASMA
SFC Lori Kuczmanski attended the farewell luncheon with CSM ...
The Equestrian - El Paso, Texas
John Hauser was born in Cincinnati on 30 January, 1859, the son ...
JLEP President Linda Daw Hudson served in 2001-2002
JLEP President Linda Daw Hudson served in 2001-2002
General Omar N. Bradley - El Paso, Texas
From 1977 until his death in 1981 Omar N. Bradley, five-star ...
Saint Josephs Academy - El Paso, Texas
The image shows students and teachers of Saint Joseph's Academy ...
Food Drive by Loretto Academy, 1998
Loretto Academy organized a Food Drive for the Salvation Army on ...
Loretto Academy Billboard with Students, 1990 - El Paso, Texas
The image shows the billboard sign of Loretto Academy; three ...
Loretto Academy - Playing in the Snow, 1950s
The image shows students of Loretto Academy playing in the snow. ...
Loretto Academy - Little Women
Students of Loretto Academy are performing the play Little Women ...
Prom Night at Loretto Academy, 1940s
The image shows a scene of the prom night at Loretto Academy. It ...
Loretto pupils with Santa in 1940s
The image shows 2nd grade pupils with Santa Claus in front of ...