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505 - 528 of 584
Dedication of Loretto Academy in 1924
Bishop Schuler, S.J. who endorsed Loretto College and Academy ...
Students standing next to a Loretto Academy billboard in 1923
Girls standing next to a billboard pointing to where the newly ...
Marie Patrice Hoare preparing for mass
Sacristan Marie Patrice Hoare, Sister of Loretto, prepares ...
Students gathering at the Loretto Academy patio.
Ana Lou Cordero, Betti Flores, Sharon Bandy Kotok, and Anne ...
Loretto student and faculty visiting an elderly woman
Sister Sylvia Mary Sedillo and Rosie Miles visit an elderly ...
Students and teachers conducting a play.
Sister Mary Arthur and students participating in a theater ...
Girls at Loretto Academy preparing for Prom
Senior Gladys Rule and Junior Alma Vota prepare for the prom ...
Reunion Class of 1969 - Loretto Academy
Mary Lou Galaviz Flores at a reunion of class of 1969 for ...