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433 - 456 of 584
Girls Club at Peter Piper Pizza- 2015
The Bridges Academy's Girls' Club at Peter Piper Pizza after ...
Girl's Club at Peter Piper Pizza- 2015
The Bridges Academy's Girls Club at Peter Piper Pizza after ...
Bridges Academy at South West University Park- 2015
Bridges Academy at South West University Park on Education Day. ...
Queen Ruth Katherine Fulwiler - 1956 - El Paso, Texas
Sun Bowl Queen Ruth Katherine Fulwiler in Processional - 1956 - ...
St. Ignatius' School First Grade Class
St. Ignatius Parish was the third church founded by Padre Pinto ...
Loretto Student performing a dance
Loretto student at a recital - Cielo Vista Mall during the years ...
Loretto Middle School Students - El Paso, Texas
Students at Loretto Middle School 1980-1989 - El Paso, Texas.
Helen Saunders, Virginia Driscoll, Rose McIntrye, Bernice Juen
Sisters Helen Saunders, Virginia Ann Driscoll, Rose Anthony ...
Sister Christine Marie and Sister Thomas Maria
Sister Christine Marie and Sister Thomas Maria the academy's ...
Mother Praxedes standing below the chapel steps.
In El Paso, one of the most recognized private educational ...
Father Nerinckx founder of the Sisters of Loretto
Rev. Charles Nerinckx was a Roman Catholic missionary priest ...
The Praxedian Special Sesquicentennial Issue
The front page of the Praxedian Vol. XXV, No. 5. Bishop Sydney ...