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385 - 408 of 584
El Paso Police Department's First Official Academy Class - 1958
EPPD's First Official Academy Class El Paso, Texas May 21,1958.
Highly Qualified, Effective, Faculty and Staff - Video
Every member of Team SISD has a critical role in the academic ...
Loretto Academy - Freshmen - 1966
"Mickey Mouse" sponsors, Sr. Mary Arthur, Sr. Ann Michael cheer ...
Sisters of Loretto, Loretto Academy, El Paso, TX 1966
Religion Department - bottom row: Sister Marie Claire, Sister ...
Loretto Academy 40th Reunion - Class 1966 - 2006
Class of 1966 - 40th Reunion - Saturday, October 14, 2006 - ...
Loretto Academy 1966 - Reunion - 2016
l-r 3rd Row Becky Saucedo Sanchez, Gloria Baray Rodriguez, ...