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Search results 361 - 384 of 584

Loretto Academy

Loretto Academy - nun run.

Loretto Academy

Loretto Academy - Science Fair

Saint Patrick's Cathedral Elementary School - 1952

Saint Patrick's Cathedral School - 1952 Back Row: Sister Mary ...

Loretto Academy - 1966

Snow fall on Loretto Academy El Paso Texas at the chapel ...

Loretto Academy - 1930

Loretto Academy El Paso Texas aerial view in the year 1930.

Loretto Academy - 1993

Loretto Academy El Paso Texas in the year 1993. A student in her ...

Loretto Academy - 1966

Students in a science class at Loretto Academy - El Paso, Texas.

Loretto Academy - 1992

Loretto Academy in the year 1992. The photograph gives a ...

Loretto Academy - 1993

Loretto Academy El Paso, Texas - graduation class of 1992.

Loretto Academy - 1992

Loretto Academy - graduation class of 1992.

Loretto Academy - 1991

Loretto Academy - graduation class of 1991.

Loretto Academy - 1988

Loretto Academy El Paso Texas - graduation class of 1988.

Loretto Academy - 1986 - 1987

Loretto Academy graduation class of 1987.

Loretto Academy - 1985

Loretto Academy El Paso Texas graduation class of 1985.

Loretto Academy - 1984

Loretto Academy El Paso, Texas graduation class of 1984.

Loretto Academy - 1982

Loretto Academy El Paso Texas graduation class of 1982.

Loretto Academy - 1983

Loretto Academy graduation class of 1983.

Loretto Academy Under Construction - 1922

Loretto Academy Under Construction - 1922

Loretto Academy & Fort Bliss Aerial View - 1975

Loretto Academy El Paso, Texas & Fort Bliss Aerial View 1975. ...

Loretto Academy - Chapel - 1957

In the Roman Catholic tradition, May is observed as Mary's ...

First Communion - Loretto Academy - 1955

Photograph - First Communion at Loretto Academy - 1955 - El ...

Loretto Academy - 5th Grade - 1954

Photograph of a fifth grade class at Loretto Academy in the year ...

Kindergarten - Loretto Academy - 1963

Sister Faber teaching kindergarten at Loretto Academy El Paso ...

Loretto Academy - 1981 - Page Two - Graduation

Loretto Academy El Paso Texas Graduation page 2 photos 1981

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