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Search results 529 - 540 of 540

Square Dancing - 2016

Square dance performers at the El Paso Museum of History - ...

Square Dancing - 2016

Square dance performers at the El Paso Museum of History - ...

Square Dancing - 2016

Square dance performers at the El Paso Museum of History - ...

Square Dancing - 2016

Square dance performers at the El Paso Museum of History - ...



Loretto Academy Students Standing Next to the Chapel Steps

Loretto Academy students and a Nun standing next to the Chapel ...

El Paso Sun Bowl 1968

Americas newest major bowl 1968- El Pasos's Sun Bowl- attracts ...

C.S. "Dusty" Rhodes addressing the NAACP in El Paso in 1990

Dusty Rhodes addressed the El Paso branch of the NAACP (National ...

John Wesley Hardin

John Wesley Hardin gained his reputation by supposedly killing ...

John Wesley Hardin Grave Site - El Paso, Texas

John Wesley Hardin gained his reputation by supposedly killing ...

Concordia Cemetery

Mexican Revolution leader and ally to Pancho Villa, Pascual ...

UTEP Library c1981

A night shot of the old library taken from the steps of the ...

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