My Grandparents, John Joseph Longo and Wilma Myra Scully Longo
Mis Abuelos, Johnn Joseph Longo y Wilma Myra Scully Longo

My Grandparents, John Joseph Longo and Wilma Myra Scully Longo
This photo shows Wilma and John Joseph Longo Sr. are somewhere near the Franklin Mountain in the 1950s. My grandfather served in the army during WWII and the Korean Conflict. He was a mess sergeant. He served in the pacific theater. He married my grandmother in 1949 in Olyphant, Pennsylvania. They came to El Paso in 1949 because of fort bliss and eventually settled in northeast El Paso. My grandfather was born in Olyphant, Pennsylvania and his parents was Italian immigrants from southern Italy. My Grandmother was born in Trenton, New Jersey. She was of Irish and English descent.
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