JLEP- Provisional Project 2020-2021

JLEP- Provisional Project 2020-2021

The Junior League of El Paso, Inc. (JLEP)’s Provisional Class of 2020-2021 partnered with La Semilla Food Center to provide the opportunity to encourage the development of healthy food preparation techniques by teaching families how to select and prepare healthy foods. Due to the economic impact of the pandemic, problems with food insecurity had been exacerbated - having less money for food often translates into families choosing less expensive processed foods that are high in preservatives and carbohydrates. This, in turn, can result in the development or worsening of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. The Provisional Class recruited participants, developed receipts and a bilingual cookbook, purchased and delivered food boxes for participating families, and assisted with the execution of a virtual cooking class – where all the chefs were the Provisionals themselves.

Area: Out of Area / Out of Area

Source: Junior League of El Paso, Inc.

Uploaded by: Junior League of El Paso


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