EPCC Transmountain Campus

EPCC Transmountain Campus
El Paso County Community College District was established in June 1969 when citizens of El Paso County voted to form a junior college district and elected a board of seven trustees to administer the college, but did not pass a tax or bond to fund the school. 1971, the Board of Trustees and citizens of the community requested state financial assistance to open the doors. The 62nd Texas Legislature appropriated funds and El Paso Community College became a reality, enrolling 901 students in September of that year. By Fall 1972, day classes started in buildings leased from the U.S. Army at Logan Heights on Fort Bliss. In the following years, the number of students, locations and programs increased. The Transmountain Campus became fully operational in 1979. Official accreditation was received in December 1978, following the completion of an institutional self-study and a site visit by a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) committee. On its third try, a bond finally passed. The approximately 20 million dollar bond later would fund construction that was peaking in the mid 1970s. In the 1990s, remodeling, expansion, and construction of College District facilities through the sale of revenue bonds financed through student tuition and fees took place. The College continues to receive national recognition for its educational excellence and is one of the fastest growing community colleges in Texas. Currently, it serves over 27,000+ credit students and 8,000 continuing education students each semester. Source: http://www.epcc.edu/AboutEPCC/Pages/CollegeHistory.aspx
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