Saint Charles Seminary - El Paso, Texas
Seminario San Carlos Borromeo - El Paso, Tejas

Saint Charles Seminary - El Paso, Texas
In June of 1961 in El Paso, Texas and on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Bishop Sidney Matthew Metzger (July 11, 1902 – April 12, 1986) blessed the land for the new minor seminary and placed in under the patronage of St. Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) a Cardinal Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Milan, Italy and who was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church including seminaries for the education of priests. At least one other seminary in the United States in Overbrook/Wynnewood, Pennsylvania is dedicated to St. Charles Borromeo. In May, 2013 His Excellency Mark J. Seitz was named the 6th Bishop of El Paso, and in July 2015, Father Mariano Lopez was named the Rector of St. Charles. Since its founding in 1961 over thirty priests have received either or both their High School and College Formation at St. Charles Seminary.
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"For more details see book by Janine Young, Diocese of El Paso, Centennial History p. 79." - Eva Ross